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View Full Version : China PMI collapsing

3rd Sep 2012, 04:30
Seems like the Chinese growth story is yet more smoke and mirrors, well lots of smoke anyway pardon the pun. They've basically done a USA, in that they've printed trillions of dollars and instead of investing wisely; they put it into the floundering real estate and stock markets. The China is going to bail out the world crowd better wake up. The PBOC can't ease any more due to rising pork prices, things are different to 2011 now. When the Chinese can't afford to eat look out. When these corrupt HK property developers realise that more and more free money is no longer appearing from the mainland, the HK property market can kiss it's ass goodbye.

China Manufacturing PMI At Lowest Since March 2009; Market Response 'Bad Is Good' So Far | ZeroHedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/china-manufacturing-pmi-lowest-march-2009-market-response-bad-good-so-far)

3rd Sep 2012, 11:34
Tell that to the idiots who just bought a 6000 sq ft Swire property for 430 Million HKD. Another rented for 850k per month. Laundered, dodgey money.

4th Sep 2012, 01:02
Just a matter of time before it catches up with them. Poor fiscal policy will come to haunt all of us..............including our Chinese friends.

4th Sep 2012, 08:15
Global crisis moves East as China suffers rapid downturn - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/9518859/Global-crisis-moves-East-as-China-suffers-rapid-downturn.html)

4th Sep 2012, 10:01
Brutal New York - 1965/95 - SkyscraperCity (http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=402544)

oh sorry I forgot, that's most chinese cities as they stand now...:=:=
I'll get my coat...

4th Sep 2012, 14:27
They deleted it Frank because we got too close to the truth.

5th Sep 2012, 08:28
Frank Quote "The question is: Who is 'They' ?

And why don't I get a mail which explains the reason for the thread to be deleted ? Muppets..."

It begs the question, mediation or censorship?

Steve the Pirate
5th Sep 2012, 09:17
It begs the question, mediation or censorship?

Agreed. Lots of comments on other aviation bulletin boards about comments, posts and threads disappearing for no apparent reason or without explanation. I suppose this one will disappear too....