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View Full Version : Blue Bird Flight Academy,London,ON, Canada

31st Aug 2012, 09:45
Does anyone here have done their training from Blue Bird Academy, Canada?

It seems they are offering Instructor rating and job after that till 1500hrs.
Any idea how is the school and how authentic are these guys?

Thanks all

31st Jan 2013, 09:40
Hiiiii All i am planning to join Blue Bird Flight Academy Please provide your views.?

17th Feb 2013, 21:00
My title says the ans... As Im getting trained at this school now, so far im comfortable with my training and is reasonable when compared to other flying schools in canada. The weather at Chilliwack is the best weather for flying when compared to other parts of canada. Good student accommodation and facilities. Totally makes me satisfied.

Birthday Boy
20th Feb 2013, 00:01
Be very careful about putting any money in advance to Blue Bird or their partners in crime Aero Academy. Both of these companies were based at the London, Ontario airport and have since gone out of business there.
Blue Bird seems to have resurfaced at Chilliwack BC and the Aero Academy seems to have risen from the ashes as Phoenix Flight Academy at Dunnville, Ontario.
Both companies have appeared to be very shady operators and one should be very careful about parting with their money. Just my observations as a Pilot Examiner there from time to time and also talking to the instructors.
The poster above this one should also be treated with suspicion, his first post and everything is great!

Nilesh Khemka
27th Jun 2014, 13:03
Hey, I also get trained from Bluebird Flight Academy. Since, I am posting for the first time in this forum, it doesn't signify credibility of sharing my thoughts. So, I am free and open to share my opinion here. My personal experience there of getting commercial pilot training was good, as there facilities were quite nice. We were provided with expert faculties that gave training to our batch for commercial pilot training. The best part was that during training period, I have enjoyed a lot also in adventurous activities like rafting and go-carting. Overall, I had nice experience there.

Being Pilot
9th Jul 2014, 07:00
I have also listen quiet nice things about Bluebird flight academy from various resources. Now, it's looking here like it is really true. I always thought to have bright career in aviation and this institute seems to be a nice platform for this.
Thanks everyone. Really excited to start a new career.

9th Jul 2014, 10:53
with all due respect to my friends and fellow aviators, i would not like to comment on the short comes of BBFA. there are plenty of other options available. go thru this link, the comments speak my view about this schoolhttp://www.pprune.org/canada/539714-blue-bird-flight-academy-latest-update.html

A 380
27th Mar 2016, 07:34
Be very careful about putting any money in advance to Blue Bird or their partners in crime Aero Academy. Both of these companies were based at the London, Ontario airport and have since gone out of business there.
Blue Bird seems to have resurfaced at Chilliwack BC and the Aero Academy seems to have risen from the ashes as Phoenix Flight Academy at Dunnville, Ontario.
Both companies have appeared to be very shady operators and one should be very careful about parting with their money. Just my observations as a Pilot Examiner there from time to time and also talking to the instructors.
The poster above this one should also be treated with suspicion, his first post and everything is great!

Sir, from your experience, which good and stable Canadian Flying school could you recommend pls.? Thank you!

27th Mar 2016, 11:46
I'm searching a flight school in Canada right know and I found very good schools like Air Richelieu or Cargair in Montreal, Harv's Air near Winnipeg, some schools like Canadian Flight Center in Boundary Bay near Vancouver... I'm basing my selection reading a lot of posts in Avcanada's forum, and I tried to get in touch with old students. Well, after two years of searching (I searched also in Europe and Asia for good options), I decided to start my pilot career in a Canadian FTO.

If you want to know about BBFA, I suggest you to search in avcanada.ca
PPrune is more dedicated to European aviation

Cheers :)