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View Full Version : Skills Test Pre-Flight Checklist

20th Aug 2012, 08:56
Hello folks.

Does anybody have (or know where I could obtain) a pre-flight checklist that covers all of the items I should consider or brief on prior to a skill test (CPL or IR) or indeed any flight.

I want to organise in my head a flow of things to check and brief myself on, starting say with the aircraft and its documents, the pilot and his/hers, then moving on to the route weather, notams, perf etc etc.

I have drawn up a few examples of my own but wonder is there's a template out there that I can look at - or even an "app" as quite ashamedly I too have succumbed to the world of iGadgetry.

Much obliged.

Genghis the Engineer
20th Aug 2012, 12:48
Have you tried asking your FTO?

20th Aug 2012, 12:59
Standards Documents on CAA website perhaps contain what you require. Unless I've misunderstood which is entirely plausible:O

20th Aug 2012, 15:07
Genghis - Not as yet but I will be checking on my next visit.

I-M - I did print off standards doc 3 and this is useful but is aimed at the test itself rather than in general. I'll probably post one of my efforts here and you guys can let me know what you think.


20th Aug 2012, 15:33
My FTO produced a checklist that included the pre-flight passenger brief, captain's brief as well as all the usual checklist items for daily inspections, MEL, documents required, and the remaining standard checklist stuff. As pointed out by someone else, ask your FTO.

I also prepared a folder with all of my paperwork in, including exam results, copy of licences, medical, 170a form, proof of payment form (this one at the front!), and then a copy of the completed plog, NOTAMS, fuel plan, mass and balance and performance calcs. This meant he had a head start with everything running reasonably smoothly.

Hope this helps!

22nd Aug 2012, 17:10
Thanks for the info taybird. Much appreciated.