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View Full Version : Phenom 300 Whats under the tailcone?

17th Aug 2012, 12:51
I was just wondering what the end part of the lower fin did on the Phenom 300 is it part of the rudder? It can just about be seen on this picture in light brown, on the real ones it looks as if it can move as there is a gap between the two parts.

http://www.flightglobal.com/assets/getAsset.aspx?ItemID=44456 (http://www.flightglobal.com/assets/getAsset.aspx?ItemID=44458)

17th Aug 2012, 20:04
Well spotted...... this is taken from a Flight International flight report..

Like the Phenom 100, a ventral fin is installed on the 300, but unlike the 100 it has rudder surface. During normal operations the ventral rudder is unpowered and streamlined. In the event of failure of the primary yaw damper, which actuates the main rudder, it acts as a back-up yaw damper.

First time that i had heard of a moving ventral fin...

The rudder is split into two different units: a larger rudder unit with a conventional yaw damper set-up and, below it, the so-called ventral rudder. This fully independent rudder is not commanded by the pilot and works automatically in all phases of flight to improve dynamic stability characteristics.


18th Aug 2012, 07:55
Thanks mutt, the answer was there all of the time with the drawing when I looked back more carefully, bunged in with talk about the baggage hold!