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View Full Version : Is really now the best time for investment to Type rating?

8th Aug 2012, 10:18
Dear aviation colleagues,

As you can see present situation in civil aviation business, this "title" you can see more and more on the web pages of many personal agencies offering "great" way to cockpit. But I´d like to ask you for your opinion. As many of you, are inside the world of civil aviation much more longer time than me, I´m starving for answer to this question: Is the type rating with line flying really investment to future with good cost returning, or it´s only great business for some tricky businessmen?
I´d like to get an answer, what to do, if I don´t have enough money for line training? Does exist any way to cockpit without expensive line training?

Callsign Kilo
8th Aug 2012, 14:02

Europe is, by and large, shrinking. The recession is massively evident. You only have to look at the main airlines' projections. Where have you been? Is your head stuck in the sand?

There are jobs in Asia however they are for Captains with relative experience.

There was a guy on here recently with 1000 hours on the 737 and he can't get a job anywhere. He has been looking for well over 6 months.

Keep your money or blow it all on a pipe dream. You'll probably do the later no doubt.

16th Aug 2012, 13:03
Are you sure it's that bad? One of my friends got a job one month after graduating from pilot school. Quite a few others from his class got jobs within the first few months as well. This was last October, though. Could the industry really have changed that much in this space of time?

17th Aug 2012, 14:35
Did they buy their jobs? Like Ryan, or did they acually get a real job?