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View Full Version : Any SA instructors in UK?

4th Apr 2002, 13:23
Does anyone know any SA pilots with valid instructors ratings who are currently in the UK or may be over the next few weeks (e.g. SAA pilots flying the Heathrow services)?

I need the services of an SA instructor urgently to do a revalidation of an SA PPL. We have all the permissions from SA and UK CAA to do this on a G-reg aircraft. My regular guy's SA licence has just lapsed so we need a replacement pronto.

Thanks for any suggestions/contacts.

5th Apr 2002, 08:49
There seems to be a bunch of us that will need the same - but not as urgently as you it seems - NorthSouth!

I will watch this space with interest. Somebody mentioned that a BA or SAA pilot who is also an examiner may be able to accommodate - but where to find such a guy (or gel) - maybe a post in the Rumours forum might get their attention.

5th Apr 2002, 15:46
Why not call SAA dispatch and ask them? If the number hasn't changed then it's: +27-11-9785280.:)

6th Apr 2002, 07:55
Robbie Robinson was in the UK last week -I have just phoned him for you & he suggests that you call him on his cell-phone to discuss an appointment - his # is 27[0]82 556 8705
Good luck

6th Apr 2002, 08:53
If you e-mail me I'll give you the number of a guy who comes over to the U.K. to do exactly that.
He operates out of Cranfield to do re-validations, you'll have to pay his ticket out plus expenses, but if there's a bunch of you it won't come to much.:)
[email protected]

6th Apr 2002, 13:24
I know someone who might be coming over in late Spring (may, june) and staying a while. (nothing 100% sure yet, but it is on the cards) - sounds like it might be too late for your needs. However,I'll keep this group posted if it happens. Anyone wanting to be informed directly if there is a SA instructor can send me a note to my 'seminar' email address above and I'll just file it for notification if it happens. (make Subject something relevant!) seminar email: [email protected]
Good luck anyway!

6th Apr 2002, 20:22
The only problem with getting the SAA guys to help out is that they are normally on a nightstop, so are unable to help out due to Flight and Duty regulations. (Besides, we're normally too ******ed when we arrive to even contemplate doing a PPL renewal!!) However, I am sure that you can find one willing to help out if you try hard enough.
Don't forget that you will have to pick them up, and drop them off at the hotel (near Marble Arch), and with your weather over there, no guarantees of a complete test.
Good luck.

7th Apr 2002, 20:16
Gooneybird - presumably to try and reman legal on private privileges, this SA guy pays half the the cost of the aircraft rental for a cost share with the 'student'? :)

9th Apr 2002, 07:35

Tried your e-mail link and just got back an error message. Apparently:

'Your message was rejected by mx1.mail.yahoo.com for the following reason:
delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.co.uk account
([email protected]) - mta496.mail.yahoo.com'

Perhaps you could mark my interest on this forum instead.


17th Apr 2002, 17:37
Sorry I haven't checked back for a while guys, the instructors e-mail address is [email protected] mine is the same as before but .com not .co.uk.
As to the subject of remaining legal he has a validation from the U.K. CAA to carry out renewals.
Hope this is useful to you.

25th Apr 2002, 16:22
flyboy2, gooneybird et al:

many thanks for your suggestions - looks like we may have a solution.

The big drawback for a lot of SA PPL holders in the UK is the inability to fly anything not on your SA licence - especially when there are quite a few types common in the UK which you won't see south of the Sahara. Consequently there are no SA instructors who've flown them either so they can't check you out on them.

9th May 2002, 17:16
Hi Guys,

Last I heard there is a South African guy who instructs at OATs who can also do renewals.

Someone who may be able to help is Malcolm Spaven - Phoebus Apollo Aviation UK Rep. - he was trying to organise something so that people who trained is SA and need to renew could do so with him.

His address is [email protected]

Give it a go.

Hope it helps
