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24th Jul 2012, 11:47
is there a good free .pdf editor for PC (Win7 starter). A Google comes up with many hits, some free, some initially free etc, has anyone a good word to say about them? I want to be able to email GAR forms from a tent in France before flying back to the UK.


24th Jul 2012, 11:49
I want to be able to email GAR forms from a tent in France before flying back to the UK.

Sounds like any program that allows you to stick text boxes onto a PDF would suit you just fine, you're not really looking to "edit" as such. The bundled "Preview" program on OS X allows you to do that.... no doubt most from your Google search would too. CutePDF is quite a well known name on Windows.

Anyway, you're after free software, so it'll cost you nothing to download and try.

Having said that, a Google search might even yield a .doc version of the GAR form from one or two Police websites. :E

24th Jul 2012, 14:05
How about importing the pdf into a word processor, using it as a background image, create your document over it then export as a pdf?

I know this is possible with Libre Office, but don't know if it works in MS Office.


24th Jul 2012, 19:15
Tried Pdfedit?

24th Jul 2012, 19:29
OpenOffice / LibreOffice will directly create a PDF from writer (word processor), calc (spreadsheet) and impress (like PowerPoint). You don't have to go through any additional software, though CitePDF allows some more flexibility. All are free.

I have copied & pasted PDFs into writer to "improve" them. (Maybe I did it using impress.)


Old Speckled Aircrew
24th Jul 2012, 20:13
Try this link, it might produce a readable document.

The Best Way to Convert a PDF File to DOC for Free is with Google Docs (http://osxdaily.com/2012/07/12/convert-pdf-to-doc-free-with-google-docs/)

Milo Minderbinder
24th Jul 2012, 21:28
I presume you mean the General Aviation Rerport from
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=gar%20form&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CFUQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcustoms.hmrc.gov.uk%2FchannelsPortalWebApp% 2FdownloadFile%3FcontentID%3DHMCE_PROD1_029410&ei=dA4PUOueHuST0QXTzYGQDA&usg=AFQjCNEM9FBEiq5oWCPOCHNuN2l6EUHOgQ ?

That can be edited within Adobe Reader version 10.1.3
It probably can in earlier versions of 10

Open the file in the program, then click on the button top right marked "sign"
When the menu appears select "add text"
It takes a few minutes, but eventually an interactive cursor appears which you can use to mark locations to insert text
You can add a signature if you like, and then click on "done signing" to merge the changes

I suggest you work on a COPY of the original document - not the original download, just to try to avoid multiple downloads

25th Jul 2012, 20:35
thanks everyone. I have Adobe Reader, I'll give it go. Gloucester have a .pdf GAR form on their website.
