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View Full Version : Jetstar and FWA

24th Jul 2012, 09:09
Seems Jetstar and a former employee who gave evidence before the Senate hearing are heading for a hearing in Fair Work Australia following his dismissal.

Don't know the details, don't know the facts but I hope someone is watching to make sure all is ok.

[2012] FWA 6257 (http://www.fwa.gov.au/decisionssigned/html/2012fwa6257.htm)

24th Jul 2012, 11:32
The way I read it he was terminated and appealed but did so outside of the time prescribed by J* due to them saying he was sacked on 16 Mar. J* argue they don't have to consider his appeal so the employee took J* to FWA to say that he did appeal within the time frame.

So now they're back to the next stage of considering his appeal I guess.