View Full Version : Support for British Bush Pilot David Simpson

22nd Jul 2012, 08:36
I`m not often inclined to start a thread, but just read this article on young British bush pilot, David Simpson.

Inside the African jail hell of British pilot charged with murder - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/centralafricanrepublic/9417249/Inside-the-African-jail-hell-of-British-pilot-charged-with-murder.html)

David, 24, has found himself caught up in one of the atrocities that frequently occur in that part of the world and is now imprisoned in fairly desperate conditions. His only crime appears to be reporting one.

Several things rang out for me. The first was the dignity and fortitude he is displaying given the injustice of the accusations leveled at him and the conditions in which he finds himself. The second was that, incredibly, he expressed his desire to continue flying in Africa after he is (hopefully) released.

It`s great to see a young pilot expressing genuine passion for his work and the contribution it makes. To me, David is a "real" pilot, and an ambassador for our profession. How refreshing in the new age of selfish, "lifestyle" chasing button pushers. Bravo David Simpson- if I`m in a position to hire an FO again his CV will go to the top of the pile.

For those of you on facebook, there appears to be a contact here where I suppose you can express support-

David simpson british pilot imprisioned in central africa | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/DavidSimpsonBritishPilotImprisionedInCentralAfrica)

Otherwise, if anyone knows David or of a way to express support outside of the the "social" networks, I would be obliged.

His dudeness
22nd Jul 2012, 09:31
A very brave guy!

22nd Jul 2012, 09:31

Well said, the imprisonment of this brave young man is a disgrace, I've already been on to my MP about this matter.

As you so rightly say, I'm proud of his spirit and would hire him


edited for spelling.....

22nd Jul 2012, 09:49
I remember in 2009 when the UK hired out airlines to recover stranded passengers from vacations spots when EXCEL when bust.

I hope the government does not forget nor abandon young Simpson.

Shame of that Banana Republic excuse of a nation.

22nd Jul 2012, 16:43
I've forwarded the article to my old ops manager in Bangui and there's a growing awareness of David's plight amongst the NGO pilots there. If anyone has contact details for David's boss, I'd be happy to forward it on in the hope that some of the Bangui-based guys can be of use (even if it's just dropping in food, soap etc).

If anyone wants a whip round then I'm happy to contribute. Having flown in that neck of the woods, it really does hit home. TIA.

22nd Jul 2012, 18:12
I think we are all so used to our rights and legal system in Europe that we do not realize that in many parts of the world there are no rights or very limited rights.
Yes Europeans are used for financial gain but are also used for political gain.
I very much hope his release is imminent.


23rd Jul 2012, 05:13
I just saw this on here. It has been discussed widely in the hunting community since it happened in March.

I'd add this link as it might help as this was the company the staff worked for.

Central African Wildlife Adventures (http://cawasafari.wordpress.com/)

I'll try to find the other hunting forum it was discussed on and add a link.

23rd Jul 2012, 05:15
This was also posted on the hunting forum on 16 July

"I have been recently corresponding with Chris Mario about his great hunts in CAR. He is now off to Tanzania for the season so he handed over my contact to the owner/outfitter, Erik Mararv of Central African Wildlife Adventures for follow up. During my comms with him I blindly asked the question if he knew about the incident about the PH/Client being jailed for murder in CAR...is it resolved and still safe to hunt in CAR??!!
Here is his response:
The people who had the trouble with the governement becasue of the murders were us. But to make a long story short it was the justice minister of the country who was having an illegal mine outside our area, but when some people got killed in their mine, we got accused of having done it. Why? Because we are white and are considered to have lots of money to milk out...

Anyway, the justice minister was screwing with the wrong people and ended up loosing his job having to flee the country etc. He and his closest people are being investigated as we speak and we are preparing for the next season.

Well, there is "The Rest of The Story" as Paul Harvey would put it!! I think this is important for all of us to know when planning future hunts. Maybe I missed the report on this issue in these forums or other reports but thought I would share it here for the Good of This Order!!"

28th Jul 2012, 14:32
Hi Guys,

I used to fly the Central Arican Rep.

Please let me know (PM me) if i can help with at least some contacts there: International Red Cross, United Nations, other aviation companies, etc.



2nd Aug 2012, 22:18
Potentially more positive developments for David, amidst a very uncertain time in Bangui (fairly standard for anyone who's been there).

centrafrique-presse (http://centrafrique-presse.over-blog.com/)

Booze, we were the UNWFP 410 crew (a few years ago for me now) and the current station manager is doing his best to maintain contact. He was turned away at the prison gates last time. Here's hoping David is safe.

6th Aug 2012, 15:43
It would appear that a riot at the jail resulted in him getting out.
David Simpson: Pilot accused of African massacre, tells of his joy at being released from jail | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2183610/David-Simpson-Pilot-accused-African-massacre-tells-joy-released-jail.html)