View Full Version : Emirates pilot recuitment

3rd Apr 2002, 12:38
Has anybody got any information on whether EK are still recruiting.

3rd Apr 2002, 16:11
Yes certainly!!! I'm planning to join them in July.

Figures might have changed, but in JAN02 they told me;
+/-40 FO for 2002
and +240 FO for 2003 and onwards....

Save flying and keep the spirit!:cool:

10th Apr 2002, 06:45
Hello V1
When did you apply for them ?
How long did you have to wait before getting a mail from Emirates ?
All I know is that I am on the waiting list for 6 monthsand I still have no news.
Have you done the interviews yet ?
Wish you fun over there

10th Apr 2002, 09:08

I applied somewhere in JUNE 2001, got an interview JAN2002.

You'll have a good chance as CPT A320. How many hrs CPT? Longhaul?

Most of the interviewed pilots nowadays are +4500HRS TT with some CPT experience.

I know the waiting can be long, but try to be patient and you'll be there!

Keep the spirit and good luck,

PS: I think they appreciate people that applied before SEP11.


luna landing
10th Apr 2002, 14:33
V1GO, great news re July.

Anything you can pass on about the interview. What's the profile they're looking for - married, kids, stable etc. I hear they ask you to bring your spouse to Dubai when you go for the interview/sim etc.

Any news would help...


11th Apr 2002, 09:04
Luna landing,

I don't think they specifically look for married, singles...etc...

Yes, you better take your spouse or partner to the interview.
They basically want to find out, if both of you are happy to move into Dubai. They'll be having a chat with the women on day1 in a relaxed atmosphere.

Tips? -Yes, STAY YOURSELF , DO NOT ACT!!!! and you'll make it.

Keep the spirit,


12th Apr 2002, 12:30
Hi Silky,

Most probably 330, (to be confirmed on paper), but starting 31JULY2002.

What type and date or you scheduled for?

See you on the beach.......

Counting the days.......


12th Apr 2002, 18:14
You seem to be a man "in th know".
Ive got an interview later this month,whats the sim ride like,as im a little out of practise since redundancy. I may do a practise sim in the 737 before hand as a310 sims are hard to come by.

any advice appreciated

Carnage Matey!
13th Apr 2002, 23:16
Just out of curiousity, how would 2000hrs A320 right hand seat with a very large British airline look to Emirates? Would that get you in the running for an interview, all other things being equal?

Also, can anyone offer their views on what its like to revert to an A310 simulator when you've spent the last few years flying witha sidestick?

13th Apr 2002, 23:24
V1GO & Silky give sound advice, well done chaps.

I'm pencilled for start on the 1 Aug, B777. Any chance of contact prior?

[email protected]:)

14th Apr 2002, 06:54
I am sincerely happy for you guys either with a starting day or an interview date. I wish you all the very best of luck. This coming June I'll be celebrating my second aniversary in the hold pool !!! I have almost 5800hrs on jet with just under 600 hrs command time. I hope its just a matter of time before being called for an interview. Looking at the bright side at least I'm employed unlike unfortunately many others.

Grace Quirrel
14th Apr 2002, 10:05

Hi. I'm also out for an interview shorly, I have sent you an e:mail with my contact details. If you are interested please contct me.


For wannabees, I have also been in the hold pool 1 year with 5000Hrs, some heavy and lots of command jet, it just takes time, good luck to all.

16th Apr 2002, 19:39
Hi Lads,
Just thought I would update you on Emirates recruitment, we are getting a lot of very experienced applicants at the moment, the average would have to be around 15+ years flying many Captains from prev Airlines. Average flying hours in the 8-10,000 region. However that doesn't mean you won't get looked at with less, it just may take a bit of time. You do get prioritised depending on your various levels of experience, previous commands, Types, Type of flying etc.

As to the Sim ride, as someone who came off only ever having flown a 320, the 310 was no big Drama, fly it like any Airplane, keep an eye on Pitch & (hot tip this one), DO NOT trim it until clean, push and pull against the trim forces as you go from Flap 2-1-0, then trim as you accelerate, otherwise it can be man and machine in mortal combat....

Good luck, I've been here several years now, it ain't perfect but its bloody good. P.S. I am not with recruitment.

18th Apr 2002, 06:17
Time to command is on or about 3 years and will be for the forseeable future (assuming we deliver all the aircraft we have ordered). There will not be a payrise this year. There has not been a significant payrise in 10 years. We may get our 3% "contractual" increment, but this is by no means a certainty. So if you do get a start here, it will be on roughly the same salary as an F/O starting 10 years ago, along with substantially less benefits. EK is arguably the best airline in the world to come to for a widebody command plus you only have a 3 year/$36,000 pro rata training bond. So when things get better, as they most surely will, you and the rest of us will be well positioned to move on to better located pastures.

best of luck

19th Apr 2002, 02:27

You mentionned that EK is not perfect. Could you elaborate on that? What are, to you, the less than perfect aspects of working with EK? Druckmefunk just mentionned one...

Thanks (mail me if you want)

23rd Apr 2002, 17:52
I was once told by a fellow Pilot that all airlines are like circus's... the only difference being the number of rings and the quality of the acts.
I have not found a perfect circus yet and I am not holding my breath in expectation of finding one. Emirates is good, honest, but it ain't perfect and this is not the right place to criticise EK.
God I am mellowing.....

8th May 2002, 04:39
I know that there is a lot of very experienced pilots out there with tons of jet experience. And I know that Emerites asks for 1000 hours of jet time, but does anyone out there know if they are flexable with that policy and will a pilot with turbine time have any chance of getting an interview,or do I need to start looking for the jet time to add to my resume.and thank you all in advance.

SF-340 driver.

8th May 2002, 09:55
Sick and SF

The minimum requirements on the EK website are just that, minimums. No one will be considered for an interview without that time unless they are joining the local cadet pilot scheme.

As to the type of candiates, yep there are loads of guys out in the market with lots of hours and lots of jet time due to recent events around the world. They will inevitably float towards the top of the pile.

However what is critical to any airline, particularly an ex-pat one, is your motivation for joining and the likelyhood that you will stay. So if you want to join any carrier, not just EK; plan. Get an application in now, regularly update it and when you are competitive you will be better placed than most to get an interview.


8th May 2002, 22:48
While I am a proponent of the 'no airline is perfect' theory, I must admit to being impressed with the comments re EK on this forum.

With the expiration of my contract just over the horizon - and no renewals currently on offer - I am compelled to once again begin the search for a new position.

Can knowledgeable EK crew assist with the following?

-- time from application to interview for a candidate age 47, current B747-400 command, 11,000+ TT, past experience A300-600 / A310, B727, 737, 747, 747-400, 757, 767, L1011, MD11, MD80?

-- schedule of new aircraft deliveries and current fleet retirements next five years by number and aircraft type?

-- staffing formula (number of captains and f/o's) per aircraft in each fleet?

-- your opinion (based on these numbers) if the 'three years to command' notion is a sober and realistic estimate, or a 'best case' scenario?

-- lastly, your opinion as to the adequacy of EK benefits and retirement (if any) in the long term as an offset to the pay cut associated with a return to the right seat for the near term?

As always, thank you for your kind assistance.

10th May 2002, 12:01
I have a short question:

Do you think it makes sense to send an application to EK even if you don´t have the minimum hours?

Do you think I have chances because I´m still very young?

I have 2200 TT with over 1600 on Turbo prop with class cockpit and I´m only 23 years old?

Any information would be great!

13th May 2002, 13:43
I have a background similar to 747400CA described above and I am interested in the same subjects.
Any helpful Emirates colleague out there?

Best regards

13th May 2002, 16:26
Dear 747400CA,
Thank you for your recent application for employment at Emirates.

Unfortunately you do not appear to have the required 500 hours P1 on Space Shuttle, or similiar type.

We regret to inform you that your application is therefore unsuccesful on this occassion.

We wish you all the best in your future career.

Yours Sincerely,

Osama Bin Liner

14th May 2002, 00:23
Don't know, but I think you are too old for an F/O's job and I don't think they are taking direct entry Captains at the moment?

You could, of course, try SIA ;) you meet their requirements for direct entry captain and they base B744 crews in LHR, LAX and SYD as well as on expat terms in Singapore but, remember, SIA is an acquired taste!

14th May 2002, 11:02
1. Go to www.emirates.com and www.emiratesgroupcareers.com ; read about the package and their news of aircraft deliveries etc!

2. Search Pprune for Emirates and you will find all the opinions you require on whether or not it is the place for you.

At 47 you are not too old but you have to be on a course by the time you are 49. There are lots of people in the hold pool and your experience is not unusual in the currrent climate but that doesn't necessarily mean that you would be the ideal candidate as far as EK are concerned. As for time to command, 3 years is a realistic assumption.

Curkcutter, wait until you have the minimum otherwise you will get a 'You don't meet our minimum requirements' letter
