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View Full Version : Nexus 7

29th Jun 2012, 14:19
Google has released their own tablet which they've named the Nexus 7. Seems to be their attempted swipe at Apple and the latter's iPad.

Now, as well all know there are a plethora of Chinese-made gadgets out there. Even the iPad is made in China but "designed by Apple in Cupertino".

What I find most interesting about Google's Nexus 7 is that it is entirely designed and made in the good ol' US of A. Refreshing!

Milo Minderbinder
29th Jun 2012, 20:36
Hate to tell you this this, but Asus are assembling it for Google
Not sure if they're using a plant in Taiwan or China, but its certainly not the USA

More to the point what use is it? 32MB memory for $400 or so? A bit of a pointless expensive device to my way of thinking