View Full Version : Written exam syllabus for Coast guard SSA (CPL Holders)?

25th Jun 2012, 16:53
hey guys.. was just wondering if any of you guys know whats the syllabus for the written exam of coast guard asst. commandant SSC (Commercial Pilot's Licence Holders).. is it the same as what we studied for cpl.. or something different??

25th Jun 2012, 18:04
it has got nothing to do wih our CPL subjects...there are 2 written test in coast guard. one is verbal n other is non verbal. both of them are aptitude test. thereafter u will have group discussion, picture perception test n couple of questions from officer. all the best...

26th Jun 2012, 05:56
thanks for ur answer.. r u also appearing for the coast guard exam this time.. and wat kinda books r u studying for it?

26th Jun 2012, 06:52
No i am not appearing for the one this time, but i appeared in June 2011 at mumbai followed by FSB at Noida in August 2011...so i know the whole procedure of selection...and as far as the books are concerned, i did not study anything from anybook...Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard do not want you to change your self by reading the book, they want you to be you as it comes naturally...but still here you can help your self a bit more by reading the current issues from various magazines and news papers....ATB:ok:

Jet Blast 007
26th Jun 2012, 10:12
How did u manage to submit your application? I've tried so many times bt the form wont go through!!:ugh::ugh:

27th Jun 2012, 17:03
well i had this same problem.. what u have to do is when ur filling in the details for ur 10+2 and cpl u have to write each subject u had in 10+2 and cpl with their marks.. for eg.. for 10+2 in first column put physics and then its marks.. and then press the add button.. after u press the add button a new column will appear.. and in this one u put in the second subject and its marks.. and press add.. and so on.. same for the cpl.. put all the subjects like air reg.. met.. etc.. and it will go through..

27th Jun 2012, 17:30
Coast Guard exam is not difficult.. is the only fair exam for CPL holders in this country... what they look for is whether you have an officer like quality... they care less of your Aviation Knowledge.. they give more weight on your Attitude... why ?? because they are going to train you again...from scratch.... cleared the whole process last year... but didn't make it through med because i had 6/9 vision in one eye..and they wanted 6/6... don't know if the rules has change this year... :-)

28th Jun 2012, 06:54
i have heard u can give PABT
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test just once in lifetime.
more details
SSB Interview Tips: PABT - Pilot Aptitude Battery Test by IAF (http://www.ssbinterviewtips.com/p/pabt-pilot-aptitude-battery-test.html)

28th Jun 2012, 07:07
PABT is not required for CPL holders.. In Coast guard CPL entry

28th Jun 2012, 11:00
what is the process in fsb
do they provide us accomodation

29th Jun 2012, 05:10
Yes they should provide the accomodation.... they did it last year...