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View Full Version : ATPL(A) to ATPL (H)

16th Jun 2012, 22:10
Hello All,

I was wondering how I'd bridge from ATPL(A) to ATPL (H).. I know there is a few exams to be taken plus a bridging exam but other than that.. whats the hour requirements? and most importantly If I do change over to ATPL (H) can I still keep my ATPL (A) :sad: My ATPL is still frozen and I finished my flight training last year but I was just wondering If I can just do a mini conversion to fly rotary!


16th Jun 2012, 23:06
If you have yet to get an ATPL, then you don't have one. You hold a CPL.
I looked into getting a PPL(H), I think I get a couple hours credit for the cross country component...
I have 7,500 hours... So I don't think there's any quick and easy route.

16th Jun 2012, 23:22
There are only two theory exams if memory serves me right...
But you need 105 hours in helicopters if you hold a CPL (A) just to start the CPL modular course. It is in LASORS.

17th Jun 2012, 00:22
Well firstly, you don't have an ATPL (A) if it's a 'frozen' ATPL that you have. You have JAR CPL(A) with IR (A) and ATPL (A) theory credit.

Therefore you need to obtain a JAR CPL (H) with IR (H) and ATPL (H) theory credit.

Section D4 for the JAR CPL (H) requirements http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/175/srg_lts_LASORS2010_Section%20D.pdf

Section E2 for IR (H) requiremnets

Theory required is mentioned in both sections, and yes you can keep both licences current at the same time.

Best answer is to write to CAA and get them if they can, to you write you an email with exactly what you need to do. They may not do this as they publish Lasors (the document I provided links for above) detailing what you need to do, but it's pretty confusing for those that don't read it often.

17th Jun 2012, 04:25
In theory, there is a bridging exam, but the CAA "do not have the facilities" for it. The best step is to get the JAA CPL(H), which in UK requires POF(H) only (check LASORS), then when you have the experience apply for an upgrade based on the fact that you have the IR theory included in your ATPLA (the difference between CPL(H) and ATPL(H) is the IR(H)). I have email confirmation of this, but that was before EARSEA started, so best check with the CAA.

17th Jun 2012, 07:20
Sorry for the confusion :-) Can I still take the bridging exams first or do I have to have the 105 hours on helicopters.. I mean for me to do that I first need a PPL (H) then.. And how long do I have to bridge my current CPL? Sorry the reason I'm asking so many questions is because the CAA is useless at giving out free information unless you play the :mad:!!


sudden twang
17th Jun 2012, 08:18
Send an email to Helicopter Services at High Wycombe, it's a well trodden path.
PACO is the man for all things ground school.

17th Jun 2012, 08:52
I went the other way from ATPL(H) to ATPL(A) and the conversion consisted of PofF, Performance and a 100 question bridging exam covering the specific differences between the fixed and rotary exams. That was with 4500 hours rotary twin turbine time though!

More interesting though is why would you do it? Helicopter licences are very, very expensive in order to gain relevant empployable skills but paid far less than the fixed wing counterpart?

Great fun to fly but they don't pay the bills these days.