View Full Version : The Best Little Airport in the World.

9th Jun 2012, 05:04
The Guardian.
June 8th, 2012.

You poor chaps up in East Africa probably never get to see a newspaper, which is what The Guardian purports to be unless Polly Toynbee has an article in the issue. Then it becomes a hate filled, bigoted and serpentacious propaganda piece that gets close to the standards set by my near family friend Josef G.
So here's a take on Wilson for you which is where aviation all started, some few years ago, with a female pilot, as best she was able, piloting a charter for Lt Col. Hilary Hook with your's truly on board. HH was one of the last white hunters. He knew a lot about birds too, his speciality was ornithology. Kuuliza sio ujinga.

Nairobi, best little airport in the world | Travel | The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2012/jun/08/wilson-airport-nairobi-kenya)