View Full Version : ATC delays + Security Delays =

31st Mar 2002, 22:04
In the past two summers, the US ATC system has been somewhat overwhelmed by the number of people wishing to use it. With the pull-down by US airlines following 9/11, the ATC system seemed better able to cope and the DOT on-time numbers for the most part confirmed that. What I wonder will be the effect this summer as flying returns to normal (normalish ), but now, passengers and crews have the added security hurdle to clear. I wonder how people will react to delays getting through security, followed by further delays waiting for ATC slots and being number 25 in the line at ORD at 5.30 pm while you wait for the line of thunderstorms to pass. I dont fly anymore so I wondered if pilots / crews who deal with this everyday have some thoughts?

1st Apr 2002, 13:07
that's a good question.

The industry will survive and bounce back to where it was before, but never the same though. I have read several analyst reports which predict a return to pre-sept 11 levels of travel in the next 1-2 yrs regardless of the new hurdles facing the travelling public. I just hope now there will be more tolerance for things like runway additions etc but I doubt it.

I have seen some short sighted people say things like oh.. seeing as travel's reduced there's no longer a need for airport expansions or increased ATC system capacity and they want to cancel all the years of hard work but this is very short sighted and i don't think will prevail. I hope not.
