View Full Version : more emirates!!!!!!!

31st Mar 2002, 13:37
well everyone!

You are gng to get sickkkkkkkk of me! Emirates interview is in exactly 1 week...I plan to wear navy suit, white shirt and silver tie...thanks to everyone that emailed me and wrote tips in pprune for me! Anything else i should know??? Think i have it all covered! Now im studying the airline itself!

Wish me lucK!!!!!!


31st Mar 2002, 18:51
Dear Nick!! Donīt worry, we will not get sick of you or anyone. We are here to help each other, donīt we? I have to tell you, that I went for the Emirates interviews in London. I will tell you, that you have to dress very well, shoes polished, etc like any other airline I guess. The interviews were not difficult. They just made groups of 10 people, and made us talked about "customer care" After, they eliminated people. It is important that you are nice and polite and listen you colleagues talk and also that you respect other cultures and people. The other exams, where to talk also in group about mixing different people of different ages and nationalities and talk about who would you like to put together to share the same appartment and why? Donīt get nervous. The examinors are really nice and helpful. We were like 60 candidades and all of them where very nice dressed. The boys, came the majority with black suit, but also, there were a few guys that came with a silver and colour camel, desert suit. They were very smart, and I guess you will go... so donīt worry, be yourself... try to speak with other candidates cause they monitor you all the time!!! At the end, if you pass, they will make you do some psicotecnics... but they are not bad... So, I wish you all the best... Good luck and hope to see you in Dubai very soon...
Love, Sandra.