View Full Version : Staff Travel Nastigram

30th May 2012, 03:18
I just received a note from the company today saying that the Staff Travel tickets charged to my PayPal account were rejected. And there was the added warning that my Staff Travel benefits would be suspended if this happened again. I am now trying to find the cause of this PayPal charging problem.

I am fairly sure that this situation (i.e. rejection of charges, nasty letter, etc) will also befall a large number of staff who used PayPal for Staff Travel charging.

When iJourney first started, I understood (perhaps mistakenly) that the only option was to charge via PayPal and that is what I set up. But I now hear that EPS is also an option. I will go to the Benefits Centre and get it switched to EPS.

So if you are one of those that have charged your Staff Travel tickets to PayPal and haven't been seeing any charges, you know what's coming soon to your mailbox.

30th May 2012, 06:05
I have the same problem. I have contacted paypal and i have been informed that the rejection happened on cathay's side not paypal.
If i was you i would get paypal to email that in writing and then contact Bob and tell him that it is not your doing but theirs!

I have a long string of emails pointing to the fact that i have done everything in my power to sort it out.

More than that i cannot do!

30th May 2012, 06:33
Yep got the same message from PayPal saying the merchant rejected the payment :ugh: (well CX if you don't want it that's not my problem).

30th May 2012, 06:55
Paypal Just informed me that it got rejected by my bank. I also just spoke to Cx and they think it is because I have linked it to Amex which does not work with Cx.

Cx lady also apologised for the tone of the email saying that nothing will happen as they know it is not our fault. They just used the standard Cx "caring employer" email!

30th May 2012, 07:05
How the hell does CX decide how I run MY PayPal account!

Sorry, I use AMEX, I'll just pay 29 days later using EPS every time I get a nastigram :ok:

30th May 2012, 10:06
Well considering there is a CX Amex card you should all contact Amex and advise them of CX's b**lsups. They might get something done as they are losing business!

30th May 2012, 11:50
Spoke to Amex. They say it is cx's new rubbish system that does not allow queries from the bank. Apparently there are a lot of skams involving pay pal! Apart from that pay pal customer service sucks. They knew about the reason for my rejection but could not tell me...half of their staff have no idea what the rejection code means!

The whole thing is very third world from the ticketing to the payment!

Dan Winterland
30th May 2012, 13:25
Pay Pal frequently proves to be unreliable. I use it as little as possible these dats,

30th May 2012, 15:24
Also got told from Cx lady to expect a call from your bank for every ticket that gets processed by PayPal. I'm glad to see that finally Cx has found another great company that provides the same level of service we have grown used to!

Hedo Rick
30th May 2012, 15:58
CX are trying to avoid tax on revenue that they make from staff travel via a HK Pay Pal set up. It's common practice in the I.T. world and online sales to set your self up with a HK Pay Pal account.

[/URL]"Hong Kong is a PayPal approved jurisdiction and one of very few no-tax jurisdictions where it is possible to have an unrestricted PayPal account. (The only other two jurisdictions where this is possible are Cyprus and Gibraltar)" Link [URL="https://www.offshore-protection.com/hong-kong-corporation.html"]HERE (https://www.offshore-protection.com/hong-kong-corporation.html)
So you get this bull $hit staff travel system that sucks more than RH & BN combined, all so they can profit off the highly inflated staff travel system.
