View Full Version : All you ex Harrier guys.. DON'T LOOK! Such a sad sight.

25th May 2012, 16:37
I Warned ya?.. What a waste

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/575303_370569786324710_193404834041207_1013848_1780988838_n. jpg

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/382392_370569729658049_193404834041207_1013845_99087792_n.jp g

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/540085_370569752991380_193404834041207_1013846_445845229_n.j pg


British Aerospace Harrier GR9s at AMARG | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.370569702991385.84253.193404834041207&type=3)

Originally posted here

Imported from across the pond.. some new "warbirds" - Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums (http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?t=117029)

25th May 2012, 19:12
Engines already out too.
At least they will still have a place in the OrBat, albeit in a more 'modular' format than previously.

At least they weren't just scrapped, and in fairness, they still go to prove that the Harrier (AV8B) is still considered an effective warplane in certain parts of the world.

25th May 2012, 20:13
So sad ,
such a waste of good airframes

25th May 2012, 20:50
In better shape than some remaining RAF fleets...

Rhino power
25th May 2012, 21:10
There is also a picture on the 309th AMARG facebook page showing 58 airframes stripped and ready for storage, so where are the rest? still being stripped or destined for another purpose...?

-RP (aka Daz)

25th May 2012, 21:37
Complete waste of perfectly capable aircraft. The mind boggles at the decisions made and the money wasted. So sad that the UK GOVT feels it is right to support US aerospace workers and not our own. Hello to any old friends from BAe Hamble.

25th May 2012, 22:07
Bit superfluous for the a/c last pic to have the intake blanks in....

romeo bravo
25th May 2012, 22:20
Airframes were never transported with engines in; it would/could have damaged the airframe. As for the serviceable engines, if they had been transported in the airframe, the could not have been kept serviceable due to vibration issues.

26th May 2012, 04:12
I suspect that most of these aircraft will fly again.

The USMC are likely to put them through an IRAN program and then get them to work.

Short of the RAF keeping them operational, this is the best fate that
could happen to them.

Pity our aces in government did not have any vision past their nose with this one at least



26th May 2012, 10:14
Best ending for the T-birds. Way too many stressful hours in the front seat. Probably not the aircraft's fault though!

27th May 2012, 11:42
Many happy years on the 'leaping heaps'. Just one word in my diary on seeing these pictures,"bugger!". Sleep well old comrades.

Lightning Mate
27th May 2012, 12:11
If you think that's sad, look at this.....


spanish no fly
27th May 2012, 12:25
Strange, RB, every time I was involved in carrying a Harrier in a Belslow or C130, the engine was glued inside the airframe. Can't think of anytime I carried an aeroplane without the engine/power plant attached.