View Full Version : Transall today

Ridge Runner
21st May 2012, 16:00
I know its not particularly unusual but it was certainly great to hear the deep throaty sound of a Transall departing on 08 at Gatwick this afternoon. Any idea why it was here?

21st May 2012, 16:16
Transall? What is that? I did hear something that sounded like a very loud turboprop departing earlier and wondered what it was...

Ridge Runner
21st May 2012, 16:23
A symphony of Tynes!!! :)


Ridge Runner
22nd May 2012, 08:32
To put you all out of your misery it was a French machine, R89. Still no idea why it was here though!

22nd May 2012, 08:48
That'll be what I heard then! Never come across one of them before - looks like a Herc with 2 engines missing!

22nd May 2012, 10:31
Been around for donkey's years and still going strong, most weeks you'll see members of our local local (French) parachute regiment leaping out of the things to stay recent and retain their jump pay.

1er régiment de chasseurs parachutistes (http://www.defense.gouv.fr/terre/presentation/organisation-des-forces/infanterie/1er-regiment-de-chasseurs-parachutistes/(language)/fre-FR#SearchText=1 rcp#xtcr=10)

Ridge Runner
22nd May 2012, 11:47
yep, but not a LGW

22nd May 2012, 12:03
Saw a German Transall droning down G1 towards Strumble a year or two back. They used to be regular sight and I believe were taking troops to Brawdy for training. Love the sound of those Tynes...

23rd May 2012, 05:28
Perhaps it was doing a route proving flight for Mr O'Leary. I can just see it now, "France from just 0.99p" and then in small print "This price involves leaving the aircraft before landing by parachute, optional landing aboard aircraft fee £85..."


Always nice to see (or hear) one of these old workhorses, especially as they spend most of their time in inhospitable or restricted abodes.


Ridge Runner
23rd May 2012, 14:36
Always nice to see (or hear) one of these old workhorses, especially as they spend most of their time in inhospitable or restricted abodes.

Absolutely .... ! Its pretty much only the Transalls, old Hercs and the multitudes of Antonovs that offer it nowadays! Sad :(


edit: although having said that, this was nice .. crank up the sound! :)


23rd May 2012, 16:29
T'was a diversion was supposed to go to NHT ...

23rd May 2012, 18:34
Aren't there any other airfields north/NW of Northolt that it might have landed at with little traffic ? Only that LGW being the world's busiest single runway airport made me wonder :8