View Full Version : CatFiz or another instant messenger?

18th May 2012, 23:01
Hi guys and gals,

as i donīt like the usual messenger services for their data craving i was looking for alternatives. I found CatFiz for Android. So do you have experiences with these guys?:O

The IM has to be simple, working everywhere, password coded instead of fixed to a mobile phone number. If it has an instant incoming alarm, even better! :ok:

Problem: A girl friend of mine has a cattery with Sibirians. She is travelling worldwide and is quite experienced with customs. But there are always little problems which have to be solved quite fast in the interest of the cats.:confused:

She got a brandnew Samsung Galaxy 2, which is working fine. Iīm thinking about an Alcatel 918D for being in contact with her. :)

I will be the only one with access to the necessary documents, if the need occurs. Official documents will still be mailed or faxed, so the IM will be there only for fast and first contact. :ok:

By the way, does CatFiz works on a normal Win computer as well? Steps to take?

Thanks in advance, Rainer :ok::)

19th May 2012, 06:02
How about ICQ, it's been around for donkeys years, well known "brand" in the world of IM.

Milo Minderbinder
19th May 2012, 10:15
Mixture's right
Thats got to be better than an unknown, little used product with a support website that has to be translated from Indonesian before you can use it

19th May 2012, 15:49
Sorry, forgot to mention that it should be anonymous as well

Anonymity on the internet is a myth my friend.

Just register for ICQ using a nondescript username and using a gmail/hotmail type email account.

Milo Minderbinder
19th May 2012, 15:53
"The problem is that i just want to get more informations about it"

then you're going to have to learn Indonesian...

20th May 2012, 19:47
As two of my posts have been removed i probably have violated some written/ unwritten rule! :{

Due to the low level of interest it would also be useless to point interested people into the right direction. Iīm happy that i found a solution for me. :O

Thanks to the two people who did care, Rainer :ok:

Milo Minderbinder
20th May 2012, 20:14
I suspect your posts were read as being possible spam links to a commercial website

21st May 2012, 00:29
...you are probably right!:ok:

I started asking about one messenger, found a better one with a free and not so easy tracable free version ( 256 bit encrypted) and posted my very first experience with it. This was meant to help others as well. Of course there is also a professional version for small to big businesses!:E

Everything in the wonderful web is commercialiced. Finding the free giveaways is the challenge. :O

I learned my lesson and will not post about these any more. :}

So letīs have fun again, Rainer :)