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11th Feb 2002, 17:26
Legend has it that the last Stirling was burnt at RAF Scampton(?) in the 1950's when the OC made the statement "get rid of it, this isn't a museum" <img src="eek.gif" border="0">

I have read over the years that some brave souls are going to do what the people at YAM did with assorted bits of Halifax and Hastings and build a replica. Has anybody heard if this is proceeding?

What an almighty task it would be as it would have to be scratchbuilt because the only existing piece of Stirling is a fuselage section in a museum in Belgium (I think). Good luck to them, I hope they do it.

How short sighted the airships were when consigning our history to the scrapman........

11th Feb 2002, 17:43

Take a look at this link:

<a href="http://homepages.tesco.net/~stirling.project/" target="_blank">http://homepages.tesco.net/~stirling.project/</a>

I think the fuselage section you mentioned is in France, and I've heard that the RAF Museum still has a number of large parts from the Mickle Fell stirling which was partially recovered in 1980.

Hoe this helps...

12th Feb 2002, 00:53
Talking of scrapped aircraft. I would have loved to have seen a Shorts Sperrin in the flesh, so to speak. Like two Lightnings in close formation!


[ 11 February 2002: Message edited by: ORAC ]</p>

12th Feb 2002, 18:11
A link to the Mickle Fell Stirling...

<a href="http://www.neeacr.fsnet.co.uk/StirlingLK488.htm" target="_blank">http://www.neeacr.fsnet.co.uk/StirlingLK488.htm</a>

12th Feb 2002, 19:12
Great links, thanks chasps (chaspesses??). The Stirling project is doing, dare I say it, stirling work. A complete forward fuselage would be a major achievment, if they could get the centre section with the inboard engines it would be marvelous. A complete airframe, ah dreams.

ORAC: Two lightnings in close formation each side of a Stirling! :)