View Full Version : Pictures to big a file to email.

10th May 2012, 21:46
Hi all....I need to email some picture to a friend...unfortunately each picture is around 6.5mb and my email struggles with files that size...is there an easy way to make the files smaller so I cam mail them.


10th May 2012, 21:54
Open them in a programme like 'Paint' and resize them, is probably the simplest solution. There will be some loss in quality.

Otherwise, rather than email them, save them into something like Dropbox or Photobucket and send him the link.

Milo Minderbinder
10th May 2012, 22:00
are they jpg or bmp files?
if bmp save them as jpg

10th May 2012, 23:15
On Windows, I find "Microsoft Office Picture Manager" is very good at basic picture editing: resizing, cropping, colour tweaking, and conversion. If you open the picture in that, you can choose Edit -> Export, select JPEG, and under "JPEG Options" you can choose the JPEG quality. Dropping it down to 80% or can offer a major reduction to the file size that you won't notice for most purposes.

11th May 2012, 00:27
If Windows, simply right-click on each image, select "send to... mail recipient" and Windows will offer to resize the pic before sending it.

11th May 2012, 01:01
You could always use Dropbox.

11th May 2012, 06:11
Picassa automatically resizes pics for email. It even has a link direct to your nominated email account.

green granite
11th May 2012, 07:01
Something to be aware of is that email attachments are scanned by your ISP's mail system on upload, this slows the upload down significantly, also a lot of AV programs scan attachments on the way out and the combination of the two, on a large file, screws things up totally, so try turning the 'scan e-mails on sending' option off in your AV program. You can scan the picture prior to attaching it as a totally separate operation if you wish.

(At least that's how it worked a few years ago I presume it's still the same)

11th May 2012, 14:50
What bnt said +1

11th May 2012, 15:32
Thanks guys...a few simple ways there...just tried it via paint...works a treat,

Many thanks everybody.


Loose rivets
11th May 2012, 17:13
One of the reasons I opened a gmail account was that it would handle much bigger attachments. I haven't really put it to the test, but I seem to remember half the said amount.