View Full Version : learning from the masters

27th Dec 2001, 05:32
I wee request from a humble wannabie

If any of you old chaps could spare the time to join myself or any other willing wannabie for some airtime to teach them some old fashion airmanship skills. I would willing not only to provide quality sandwichs (butchers ham etc) but also a choice of teabags in the flask.

This is not only open to current pilots but also auld ******s who don't mind siting in the RHS, with some young chap.

If there is suitable interest for auld chaps escaping there wifes for an outing we can market it properly in the wannabies section.

If this is not what this section is intended for please camelpilot kill my post dead and i will understand.


27th Dec 2001, 12:42
No problem with your request being on this forum MJ, and I am sure there is more than one experience old flyer who would be willing to take a RHS. I would for one - so long as I didn't have to come to Scotland to do it! Although I expect there is someone up there who would.

Ok. You have asked the question let us see how many old farts you get :)