View Full Version : Ryanair B738 at Gothenburg on May 8th 2012, flight attendant fell from aircraft

8th May 2012, 21:52
Hope the cabin crew member recovers ok - it's a long way to fall

Ryanair B738 at Gothenburg on May 8th 2012, flight attendant fell from aircraft (http://www.avherald.com/h?article=44f3b193)

8th May 2012, 22:12
i assume she was clocked off immediately!!!

8th May 2012, 22:14
Probably docked a day's pay and charged for any costs resulting from the mishap. I hope she's fine.

9th May 2012, 01:47
I hope the lads at the FR home office treat this F/A with the same compassion as they did with Capt. Steve.

Wishes for speedy and full recovery to the F/A.

9th May 2012, 06:28
Reported that passengers had a whip-round amounting to a couple of hundred quid to pay for some of their number to leave the aircraft and travel on a later flight. This was necessary because the cabin crew were one short after the accident, when the unfortunate victim had to go to hospital. Also reported that Ryanair has stated she only suffered minor injuries and will be back at work in a couple of days.

9th May 2012, 08:10
I suspect RyanAir's reaction would have been much the same as happened to me when I worked for a small company in Switzerland.

On the way to see a customer up a very steep and icy mountain track, whilst driving their little 4WD utility vehicle, I managed to get 2 wheels off the edge of the road on a tight corner and the vehicle rolled and went down into a small ravine. I got out with cuts and bruises, nothing major, and found my way to a house where the inhabitants, having asked me in advance for 25 cents for the call, called my employer to explain, as my French wasn't up to it and I was pretty shaken, not to mention covered in blood and twigs and snow!

Their only question was 'is the vehicle OK and what about the goods I was delivering?'

9th May 2012, 09:52
Hope she is recovering well!

I'm shocked that Ryanair hasn't got a SOP/policy in place to avoid this sort of accident. Or do they, and it just wasn't followed?

In easyJet, the ground staff is not allowed to remove the steps until they have a permit given by the crew who closes the door.

Hopefully this incident will force them to sort a procedure out to avoid further accidents and will help making their crew safer!

9th May 2012, 10:40
I'm shocked that Ryanair hasn't got a SOP/policy in place to avoid this sort of accident.

Dolley, am curious as to why you think they wouldn't?!

Not saying this is what happened here but people are human and sometimes don't follow the SOP for a host of different reasons. When it comes to open doors a moment's inattention can be catastrophic.

Ryanair, like all airlines, have strict procedures for operations of doors etc. I guess these might possibly be reviewed after an investigation of this incident but flightcrew and pax falling from open exits have happened before in aviation history. EasyJet had a pilot who fell onto the tarmac in Edinburgh a few years ago.

9th May 2012, 22:01
Yes at EZY we do have Permits to remove steps. However Ryanair have there own air stairs crew remove handrails manually etc easy to take a bail.

10th May 2012, 07:29
Yes at EZY we do have Permits to remove steps. However Ryanair have there own air stairs crew remove handrails manually etc easy to take a bail.

810030, Airstairs are only at the forward main door of Ryanair aircraft - at the rear door steps are used etc

10th May 2012, 07:37
Another one earlier this year - very sad.

Onur Air pilot dies after falling onto apron (http://www.todayszaman.com/news-277835-onur-air-pilot-dies-after-falling-onto-apron.html)

10th May 2012, 08:10
Is this girl going to ok? A horrific fall.

nesboy 1976
10th May 2012, 09:28
Without wishing to sound like a boring Health and Safety Bod.....but as ex CC and now a health and safety manager outside of the aviation game this would be classed as a HIPO (high potential) incident whether it were Ryanair or not! :ugh:

I fully understand and appreciate that Ryanair and every other airline have SOP's in place for the use of doors, this type of incident should never happen! :=

This was a total preventable incident and i'm hoping the young crewmember is ok and will be able to return to work soon.

HSE annual stats for the air transport injury only really focus on handling issues Link (http://www.hse.gov.uk/airtransport/sic2007.pdf) and not really on falls from height.

I don't have all the answers but if the 'principles of prevention' were applied then this type of thing would be easily be prevented and people's lives would not be put in danger for a 15 minute turnaround.

6th Jun 2012, 10:07
Something like this happened a few years back.

Child falls off plane: CHILD FALLS OF RYANAIR PLANE! ~ Hamham500 Website (http://www.hamham500.com/2010/08/child-falls-of-ryanair-plane.html)

4th Jul 2012, 19:43
I thought Ryanair only had a rope at the back door for the people to hold onto when they jumped because they had refused to pay the deplaning charge to use the stairs.http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/wibble.gif

18th Jul 2012, 21:04
"I thought Ryanair only had a rope at the back door for the people to hold onto when they jumped because they had refused to pay the deplaning charge to use the stairs."

That is an extremely childish remark to make considering a girl could have been very badly injured.

19th Jul 2012, 12:14
The girl was badly injured. That doesn't mean that pikey aren't a bunch of scumbags.

blind pew
22nd Jul 2012, 15:27
Another Ryanair stairs accident.
Apparently a young woman lost her leg in this one.
After this report was published I disembarked in a gale at Dublin.
The jacks were not extended on the stairs which rocked dangerously.
I made two written reports to the IAA which were ignored.
I eventually spoke to the IAA inspector responsible who insinuated that I had a grudge which I don't - absolute waste of time.