View Full Version : LERL - Ciudad Real (Closed?)

5th May 2012, 00:26
Goodnight folks,

any news about Ciudad Real airport? I've heard a rumor that the aiport is closed or will be closed soon.

Thanks a lot.

NC :zzz:

9th May 2012, 02:47
The Ciudad Real airport LERL was closed the last month! :(


10th May 2012, 16:03
Sad. One of many ghost airports of Spain, expect more to follow...
Castellon - hasn't even opened
Ciudad Real - Closed
Teruel - destined to be an airplane storage center, so it might work with all those airlines going bust
Seu d'Urgell - at least this one has always been a GA airport
and more

Airports for everyone | In english | EL PAÍS (http://elpais.com/elpais/2011/05/10/inenglish/1305004841_850210.html)

Out of 48 regional airports in Spain, only 11 make a profit.

It is a real shame

16th May 2012, 01:37
Really sad .. i was in LERL last year during my training . I made LPVL-LERL via ZMR TLD in a C172 . It is a huge airport with great great great conditions .. The runway is so long and when i was there, there were no signs of tyre marks in the touchdown zone from the bigger jets .

it is sad, since i made many cross-country flights over Spain, it was probably the best airport i ever been

10th Nov 2012, 19:40
Ciudad Real Airport is back in use !! (Although not quite as originally intended....)
Ciudad Real Airport back in use (http://www.tumbit.com/news/articles/6218-ciudad-real-airport-back-in-use.html)

8th Aug 2013, 12:31
Ciudad Real's ?1bn abandoned airport: in pictures - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/10229022/Ciudad-Reals-1bn-abandoned-airport-in-pictures.html?frame=2638136)

Ciudad Real's ?1bn abandoned airport: in pictures - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/10229022/Ciudad-Reals-1bn-abandoned-airport-in-pictures.html?frame=2638111)

Marvellous, some gato gordo is enjoying the kickbacks he got from the construction of this white elephant. In this respect, Spain is little better than Africa.


23rd Dec 2013, 08:31
"Ciudad Real 6th Most Visited Location in the World in 2013"

Spain's Ciudad Real Airport 6th Most Visited in World 2013 | Tumbit News Story (http://www.tumbit.com/news/articles/8429-spains-ciudad-real-airport-6th-most-visited-in-world-2013.html)