View Full Version : What price landing?

26th Feb 2002, 01:35
Anyone know the prices charged by different airports to differing operators for handling similar aircraft? . .Do all operators get charged the same? . .I suspect that I know the answer to this, but some real figures would be intereesting.

26th Feb 2002, 06:20
Some airports charge on a weight basis as well as by type. You could try ringing a few to ask what type X would be charged for a landing fee and then compare and contrast, note that the amount of time the aircraft is parked is also a commercial variable, (somtimes integral in the landing fee) that you will have to ask about. Where it is parked can be a factor too, i.e airbridge, terminal stand, or remote parking. Also the volume of traffic usually is a factor, i.e. bulk discount, bring in lots of flights a week = discount, 1 flight a week = standard fee.

27th Feb 2002, 18:59
check the web sites for various airports - most list their published fees and charges.. .Based operators normally receive a discount.. .In addition to landing fees you will also be charged for handling and passengers or cargo

27th Feb 2002, 20:52
Hi heavy_landing . .I run a small PA34 around europe and believe me the charges for something that size can be from 75.00 (Liverpool) to 425.00 Brussels (Zaventem) . .Worst I had was 650.00 into CDG seemed they did not like my accent didn't mention the landing ooopppss ... ! Much complaining latter they relented and I got aeway with 150.00 I use Antwerp frequently and they are the best 15.00 and free coffee :-)

1st Mar 2002, 03:17
I was involved in single crew ops prior to my current position.

On a medical flight, landed in SOU at 2am and departed at 2.25 am, charge £1500 !