View Full Version : SAM's & The Olympics.

Load Toad
29th Apr 2012, 09:33
BBC News - London 2012: Missiles may be placed at residential flats (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17884897)

So they will put surface to air missiles around the Olympics so they can shoot down any aircraft that threatens the Olympics - mostly I suspect hijacked flights or such that might make suicide attacks on London / the Olympics...

And just where will a shot down 'plane fall at great speed and subsequently explode..?

Not really thought this through very much have they?

29th Apr 2012, 09:37
Indeed, they have not.

29th Apr 2012, 09:44
When I heard the story this morning, this was my thought exactly!

Can't understand though what the residents on said block are concerned about though, the target is extremely unlikely to fall on to the building upon which the missiles are housed!

Pontius Navigator
29th Apr 2012, 09:49
Shades of Bloodhound throwing off boosters down range. Strange the luvviues never worked that one out.

Capt H Peacock
29th Apr 2012, 09:50
If we still had an air force, the threat would be countered long before it got anywhere near the East End.

Hammas are criticised that they hide missiles amongst women and children, what on Earth was the MoD thinking?

And lastly, it'll never get off the ground because no-ones done the risk assessment, the Army won't wear hard hats and flourescent jackets, the fire brigade won't be allowed up a ladder to put the fire out when they hit, the police will have to seal off half of London and close the M25 before they're fired, and the social services will insist on a equal opportunities policy and a diversity vision for target rights.

Just when you think this World couldn't get any more stupid, it just goes ahead and does it anyway.:rolleyes:

29th Apr 2012, 09:57
From wiki:

The Ancient Olympic Games were a series of competitions held between representatives of several city-states and kingdoms from Ancient Greece, which featured mainly athletic but also combat and chariot racing events. During the Olympic games all struggles against the participating city-states were postponed until the games were finished.

Long time ago...

29th Apr 2012, 10:01
Does this not just add strength to the arguments of those who said the UK should not be hosting this idiotic and pointless business - and I am using the word business deliberately?

Never has the expression 'poisoned chalice' been more appropriate.

29th Apr 2012, 10:06

Frankly, if this is what holding the world's major sporting event requires, then perhaps the London Olympics should be the last; anywhere.

Then again, it might just be the UK mantra of "security is paramount" rearing it's ugly head again resulting in overkill.

Capt H Peacock:

Hammas are criticised that they hide missiles amongst women and children, what on Earth was the MoD thinking

Ahh, hadn't you realised, we're British so it's OK!

29th Apr 2012, 10:22
Can't understand though what the residents on said block are concerned about though, the target is extremely unlikely to fall on to the building upon which the missiles are housed!

The target might not fall on the building, but having seen a (live) Rapier do a complete loop and land back within 50ft of the launcher, with people diving into nearby trenches, I would still rather be as far away as possible.

As most commentators above say - no real thought seems to have gone into this hare-brained scheme, unless the writers of 'Twenty-twelve' really ARE running things!

29th Apr 2012, 10:33
Wonder what effect it has on their insurance policys. Are they all moving out for the olympics.

Cool Guys
29th Apr 2012, 10:47
I suspect a lot of thought and careful consideration has gone into it. It is at least good to pretend to put SAMs on the roofs to give any idiots who may plan an airborne attack second thoughts. Maybe they are pleased people such as posters in this thread spread the news about the SAMs. Oops, maybe I have given the game away..

Load Toad
29th Apr 2012, 11:19
'If you come here looking to carry out a suicide attack - we'll shoot you down & kill you.'

Guest 112233
29th Apr 2012, 13:27
Yes ! 'poisoned chalice' Tableview and ATNotts have hit the nail on the head here. Talk about a grossly disproportionate response.

And you bet someone,somewhere and at some time will grossly overreact to say a metal coated child's balloon or the like. Murphy is up and running.

Olympic spirit ? no chance - If sanity prevails this will be the last Olympics. its a "Sports/Business" event for Zeus sake.

The "Missile on the roof" thing could be serving as a distraction for other things who knows - But surely the risk outweighs the potential problem. - Is it a covert advert for "Hold your Arms Fair in complete Safety"

This whole "Security" agenda risks poisoning the whole event.


Torque Tonight
29th Apr 2012, 13:34
I think the message is more like:

'If you come here looking to carry out a suicide attack - you'll still die but you will have failed to hit your target and your mission will be a failure.'

As for the arguments about shooting down aircraft over London, an aircraft coming down in a built up area, out of contol and possibly in many pieces is likely to be far less catastrophic than an 9/11 style targetted attack. Lesser of two evils.

Out of control crashes in built up areas:
AA587 Queens, New York. 5 killed on the ground.
Pan Am 103, Lockerbie. 11 killed on the ground.
PSA782, San Diego. 7 killed on ground.

Targetted attacks: 9/11, thousands killed.
Heavy airliner into olympic stadium, easily into the thousands.

Not really thought this through very much have they? I suspect they have given it some thought and probably a little bit more than you.

Torque Tonight
29th Apr 2012, 14:00
Incidentally, in case there is any doubt about my position, I think the olypics are a bunch of arse as well.

From the BBC article:

The journalist said: "At first I thought it was a hoax. I can't see what purpose high-velocity missiles could serve over a crowded area like Tower Hamlets.

As the old joke goes, millions of pounds worth of improvements.

29th Apr 2012, 14:36
Can't understand though what the residents on said block are concerned about though, the target is extremely unlikely to fall on to the building upon which the missiles are housed!
No, it's going to fall on MY house, which is halfway between said missile sites as listed in the newspaper and the Olympic Stadium.

Never mind, as long as the VIPs in the stadium are saved, who cares about us lot of plebs down here ........

29th Apr 2012, 15:24
In Athens there were SAM's ready and waiting at military base close to old airport which housed the basketball, very visible from road for the 2004 Olympics.

Its nothing less that I would expect but also wouldn't expect to see it used either.

Load Toad
29th Apr 2012, 15:52
So why bother? Waste of time, waste of money, waste of effort. Crap PR.

29th Apr 2012, 17:09
unless the writers of 'Twenty-twelve' really ARE running things!

They ARE!! ;)

I look forward to getting the inside gen on the missile thingy in the next series if they have survived at the end of all this...:ok:

Heathrow Harry
29th Apr 2012, 17:16
we really don't have much in the way of G-A missiles do we?

A few old Rapier sets and MANPADS

Can't see the later stopping a 380 in a dive TBH

Guest 112233
29th Apr 2012, 17:38
Be carefull here: I don't know either but what's the bet that D and Vlad have not stitched up a nice little earner perhaps a couple of SA2's from a Museum or two. Use or return for a small fee.

A couple of old beer barrels for propellent storage - MK1 Eye Ball detection (Dawn to Dusk) - Security for less than the cost of a second hand Lada.

[Edit::From memory: they were big looking things ? - Frighten the local Pidgeons off as well.]


29th Apr 2012, 20:04
So why bother? Waste of time, waste of money, waste of effort.

Clearly stated deterrent.

Why does UK have Nukes ?

29th Apr 2012, 20:08
What could possibly go wrong?


29th Apr 2012, 20:36
Here's what I don't get.

If "The Olympics" is such an apparent target for anyone who wants to attack a country, resulting in huge costs and the need for such extensive precautions against danger, why on earth did our politicians go all out to beat Paris to get it, and deliberately expose the country to such risk ? Defence is one thing, but going all out to have some sporting event which comes with all this dangerous collateral and no apparent benefits is quite another.

Guest 112233
29th Apr 2012, 21:33
You have in a way: answered your own question. We got the "Games" and Paris won.

29th Apr 2012, 21:46
Greece got it in 2004. Look at them now! Salutary lesson.