View Full Version : Obtaining FAA from JAA Licence in the UK?

23rd Apr 2012, 10:45
Hi all,
Im currently looking at obtaining an FAA licence based on my current JAA.
I have an unfrozen JAA atpl and over 4000 hours on the 737. I heard there is a company in the UK that can organise the paperwork and check ride without having to travel to America. Has anyone heard of this or has anyone gone through this process?

Many thanks.

24th Apr 2012, 06:00
You've already got the real deal, and not one of those dubbed down, lower standards, let's give everyone a chance, less subjects, more attempts, publish all the answers JAR licences. So, why, in God's name, would you want to obtain a Fake Aviation Administration card for? Dubai accept both, as the same thing and at the end of the day, it's down to the airlines AoC stipulations. The States has loads of unemployed guys, with your hours, and all held in lower regard than bus drivers. I guess because of the two days study required, against the old U.K. eighteen months of hard graft.

Rant Over:
I have heard about completing the FAA, in the U.K. and can't remember where. Will ask around and get back to you, if anything comes to light.


24th Apr 2012, 10:39
Wow nice reply Bond!!! Maybe he's in the same position as me. I'm married to a US citizen and want to settle down out there. I've only 3000 hours on the 737 but also have an unfrozen JAR ATPL.

Teroc, if you find the answer to this question in the UK- you already have your sim partner :D