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View Full Version : RAMP RASH2

21st Dec 2001, 13:55
As the previous thread has been closed Here's a thought.

If you decide to increase penalties against offenders, how many of them will report damage?
How many will walk away from an a/c with a gaping hole in it's side?

Answer:- Quite a few. It has already happened, The policy used to be (at least at the stations I have worked at) to not apportion blame to these incidents.
More recently this has changed to sacking the alleged offender on the spot!

Result:- more incidents not reported, and only by the grace of....etc has the damage been discovered before it became more serious, often after the a/c has returned to main base after being damaged off base!!

Mistakes are made. Better to own up, safely in the knowledge of saving an a/c instead of ones job?

21st Dec 2001, 14:10
Hovis - I think MAN is one of the worst places for bad driving and poorly maintained vehicles. How often have you seen a cloud of dense black smoke signifying the arrival of a Servisair or GHI tug?
With regard to ramp rash, have a look at the posting concerning RBA under "Pushback tug hits aircraft".

[ 21 December 2001: Message edited by: Bus429 ]</p>

22nd Dec 2001, 04:40
You're quite right. Most companies have now moved to a more 'liberal' attitude for the reasons you've stated.
I'm not saying for 1 second that carelessness or negligence should go unpunished, but the blame culture has to stop. How easy is it to criticise someone for hitting an aircraft with a tug/gpu/asu/rocket launcher.
Very, but what conditions were they working under? We hear a lot on this forum about pilot fatigue, what about ground staff fatigue? Many work 12H shifts and are expected/begged to do a couple of hours extra when things are tight. Then there’s the timeline – You have just serviced this aircraft, your next one is out in a couple of minutes, GET TO IT NOW.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure what the answer is. More pay? Probably not, as manual work attracts the same kind of people whatever the pay (not a judgement or criticism)
If anyone has some good ideas, please post here.