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View Full Version : Hold ups at EGCC MAN

11th Dec 2001, 19:16
Hi Ppruner's

Today the 11th Dec at appox 1400hrs, the WX is perfect, Gin clear skies just the thing for flying, is that why everything MAN bound is stacking up, I stood and watched a V/large A/c 4 eng job circle the "Rosen" area, and then head up north, any body any idea's about this, had it been cloudy we wouldnt have seen all this odd activity! :D

Squealing Pig
11th Dec 2001, 19:40
MANCHESTER EGCC 11/1520 111520Z 21003KT 0150 R24R/0250 FZFG SKC M01/M01 Q1041 NOSIG

Belive it was clear as a bell at Bolton and beyond, Barton was in fog.

No work today for S.P.

11th Dec 2001, 21:05
Freezing fog this am @ EGCC

11th Dec 2001, 22:45
Interesting morning. ;)
Most people took the departure delays with good humour, others less so.
Instead of almost no inbound delays and an arrival rate of 32+ per hour, we had up and down viz and an arrival rate of between 10 and 15 per hour. Fitting departures into these gaps gives you less than 30, more often nearer 25 per hour taking into account missed approaches and about 20 diversions out.
Less than half the traffic flow with 3 times the workload.
Thanks for bearing with it! :)

bagpuss lives
11th Dec 2001, 22:52
Good Lord!!!

If that's perfect weather Vfrpilotpb I'd hate to see it when it's decidedly dodgy nay awful :p

I thought we did mighty well today considering the constant and massive waves of fog that seemed to stream over the airfield. As soon as the bank of fog cleared off again, what seemed like 500 aircraft tried to hurtle their way to or from Manch at any one time - chaos was narrowly and skilfully avoided - as my colleagues will happily testify :)

Very strange weather today. One minute it was clearing and literally the next minute we're back to 250m RVR's all 'round :(

We got shut of alot of traffic to Leeds who seemed to be "above" the fog, Castle Don and I think a couple of others went to Birmingham.

Not often we have to offload traffic to Leeds due to Wx!

And for the first time I think since R2 graced us with it's opening - we had a holding situation at MIRSI, ROSUN and DAYNE. Just shows how much R2 has improved things :)

bagpuss lives
11th Dec 2001, 22:53
Foiled once again cossack ;)

Getcha next time!!!

Are you, me or something??? :D :D

[ 11 December 2001: Message edited by: niteflite01 ]

682ft AMSL
12th Dec 2001, 00:27
It was gratefully accepted niteflite! - as you say, we were above the fog and reported CAVOK most of the day. It just about made up for the two solid days of LVPs we've been through!


12th Dec 2001, 01:06
My word no! Then I'd know who you are for sure!!!
:D :D :D

bagpuss lives
13th Dec 2001, 01:08
You mean you STILL don't know cossack? ;) Not even a clue? ;)

Excellent :D

By the way, thanks to the BA F/O who mailed me privately to say how pleased he and his Capt were with us at Manch ATC on the day of the fog! Your return email address kept bouncing so I'll say on here : thank you and I'll make sure I pass that on the those who did such a good job - cossack being one of the top men :) I'm sure I speak for all of us and them when I say - glad to be of service, as always ;)

13th Dec 2001, 02:44
True story this one....
A passenger came up to Mrs.Silkman yesterday
ranting and raving about his 2 hour delay due to the fog and said, in all seriousness,
"have'nt you lot got a machine that can blow the fog away ?"
A stunned Mrs.Silkman politely told the passenger to Foxtrot Oscar :D :D

Where do they come from ?
Of course fog is owned by airports and airlines and is used to delay and cancel flights for the fun of it.... ;)

13th Dec 2001, 18:40
On the contrary! The list of possibles has been whittled down considerably over the past few days! ;)
On the foggy morning did we have a "discussion" about the selection of the A4 stopbar? :cool:
Nice to hear that at least some crews appreciated our efforts. Others were less than appreciative. :(

Scottie Dog
14th Dec 2001, 00:46
The mystery thickens - eh?

It's amazing seeing you 2 playing this little game. Long may the puzzle remain!!!!

Take care one and all. Keep those planes coming in as fast as you can.

Best wishes

Scottie Dog