View Full Version : Emirates vs Dnata flight dispatch

2nd Apr 2012, 19:02
Hello all

Just wondering if anyone can shed any light please on the pay/working conditions between the two entities working as an aircraft dispatcher. Currently working as a dispatcher at Heathrow taking in about £1900 a month. Also, is there a major difference between working for EK rather than dnata? The EK group website seems to suggest that dispatcher for both companies are on the same pay grade and entitled to the same allowances etc? Last, i am actually desperate to move out to Dubai and am wondering if it is unreasonably uncomfortable with the wife and 2 kids.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, the more detailed the better (for those of you who like a bit of a rant!).

PS Sorry if this post appears to be repetitive, but related posts on the forum are 5-6 years old.

Many thanks

18th Apr 2012, 11:45
Emirates Airlines is the airline and Dnata is the handling agent side of the Emirates group.
In essence it is the same company and so all pay and conditions are identical between the two, as is all HR related stuff.

The two are however very separate companies on the ground.

Dnata does all the ground handling in Dubai with the exception of check-in and dispatch functions for emirates.

Emirates dispatchers handle emirates flights and Dnata dispatchers handle everything else.

If you were single then I would say that you could be reasonably comfortable living in Dubai on a dispatcher pay (grade EK7) but with your family you will find it very difficult.

Schools are expensive and below grade EK8 you do not get any subsidies off the company.

A married couple could survive but don't do it to your kids.

23rd Apr 2012, 09:14
hello there how much is the actual pay for a new ground dispatcher for dnata in dxb.(in sterling) minus actual expenses... i was hopin to apply i currently dispatch in the uk... thanks

23rd Apr 2012, 13:53
Ground dispatcher at Dnata is NOT the same thing as flight dispatcher at Emirates or any other airline for that matter...

They are a ground handling company and provide ground handling services. This is distinctly different to flight dispatching at an airline which is a completely different job entirely.

28th Dec 2013, 19:32
Hi guys, I have been invited to a skype interview for ground dispatcher, any ideas on what is involved would be really appreciated.

Also anyone know the rough pay on this? It's a grade 07, last am I able to negotiate a grade higher?

If there's anyone currently working in dispatch, I would love to hear from you, perhaps even PM me if suited.

Many thanks

6th Jul 2017, 04:00

I am a FAA certified Flight Dispatcher and just graduated last month. Kindly let me know will I be able to work in the middle east with this license or a conversion to GCAA will be required?
Also, what are the current salary amount like?


31st Jul 2017, 16:20
dn Ground Dispatchers don't exist any more, only EK and there is a lot of speculation around the position.

Recruiting is currently on hiatus.