View Full Version : Suggestion for 141. School in US ?

27th Mar 2012, 14:11
Hey guys i already searched the sticky thread about 141. Flightschools, but the up to date posts i could find there are mostly about Visa and TSA stuff.
I would be very happy if someone of you could give me a tip or any advise for an 141. Flightschool in the US.
I know of a few which will try to get the money out of you after you are there so i don't want to make a wrong decision by going to a "Rip" off school.
It is very hard to find the right school due to the high amount of 141 schools.
I alread found a website which lists all 141 schools but finding feedback to those schools is realy rare.
So any advise would be very helpfull !!!!
Many Thanx in Advance ;)