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18th Jul 1998, 15:07
can someone please tell me what is actually involved in aptitude tests as i have no idea. thanks for your help

19th Jul 1998, 19:24
Are you sure you mean the aptitude tests and not the interviews?

The aptitude tests finished some time back and now the interviews are in session as far as i know.

Anyway there's some more info on them either here on Pprune (look for "A day in the life of Aer Lingus") or you can go to http://fly.to/wannabes and check out the Aer lingus section.

Hope it helps. http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif

21st Jul 1998, 18:52
At the risk of flogging this subject to death, could someone tell me what exactly is happening regarding the outcome of the Aer Lingus aptitude tests. I sat mine on the 2nd June and as of today (21/7/98) have received neither a rejection letter or an interview telephone call. Yet as I read this forum some people say they know of others who have already gone and done a second interview.

What's going on? Should I phone Parc aviation and ask them, or would that go against me because it would be seen as being pushy? Is there still plenty of time left (doubtful) or have they just forgotten about me? Anyone else in the same boat?

<sigh> Nothing seems to go too easy these days! http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif

21st Jul 1998, 20:38

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

21st Jul 1998, 20:42

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

22nd Jul 1998, 15:50
Hi guys

Me and WWW are still waiting to hear about the outcome of our first interviews, when I was there I asked about the next stage and they said everything should be finialised by the end of September.

Now when I sat my aptitudes - 18th June - John Barrie said that they were doing first stages for the next three weeks, stopping and then doing somemore later in July or early August. They also did a week or two of second interviews starting the monday after I visited and that more would be held in late August.

My theory goes like this:- There are two course commencements August and November. I imagine they must have asked those going to go in August to second interviews by now and me and WWW are in a hold pool for the August second stage. You guys who haven't heard still have about 2 weeks left of your 8 weeks to go. If they hold more first stage interviews they will be early August - therefore you should be hearing soonish. We can all be called forward for second stage in late August and that way the whole process is wrapped up by end September! Voila

Of course this is pure speculation on my part but the bits of the jigsaw seem to fit into place........

I would advise against phoning PARC until your 8 weeks are up as this could be seen as canvassing I suppose. On the otherhand if they don't have the courtesy to let you know after 8 weeks then they are fair game

Don't let the buggers grind you down

22nd Jul 1998, 18:09
Thanks Afterburner, at least I'm not by myself. I thought the tests went ok, but with so many other people doing them it's hard to say how well. I'll let you know if anything comes through.

jniven: Thanks for that little "in-site" it does make sense. I'll keep of the phone till August, then go for it.

Good luck yourself in the future.

22nd Jul 1998, 21:50
Just an add on to what jniven said in his post.As far as I see your theory holds water.My brother sat the first interview at the end of June.Last Friday he got a letter from PARC stating that he could expect to be called for the day long tests at Lingus sometime during August or September. At the first interview he expressed a preference for the course starting in November.Best of luck guys !

23rd Jul 1998, 16:27
Radar - Your brother got a letter?

Damn, ain't got one of them :-(

Now where's that bloody postman....

( I would make that a graphical :-( if I knew how!)

23rd Jul 1998, 18:16
Get rid of the nose and you'll get the picture!

http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/wink.gif http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/redface.gif

23rd Jul 1998, 18:59

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

23rd Jul 1998, 19:07

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

Brit Abroad
23rd Jul 1998, 19:42
Good luck guys.

Any truth in the rumour that they will be re-advertising in November ?



23rd Jul 1998, 22:35
Woooohoooo!! Well no sooner do I get all depressed about not hearing anything from Aer Lingus, than my sister receives a telephone call this morning from Parc Aviation whilst I was out. With fingers trembling I phoned back at 2:30pm and talked to a nice lady called Louise.

To cut a 5 min story short, I've been asked to go down to an interview on the 7th August. Now all I need to do is get my eyes tested.

So that's myself and Afterburner, anyone else get some good news? http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif

(Afterburner, gimme a shout via e-mail when you've a sec)

[This message has been edited by jonny.]

24th Jul 1998, 02:01
Nobody has called me yet. I re-checked my two answering machines at home and at work. No message!
On the other hand I had my aptitude test June 18, so I might have to wait a little bit longer. http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif

Good luck for you guys!

Wee Weasley Welshman
24th Jul 1998, 20:10
Christ - I turn my back for five weeks whilst we have a power cut and everybodys posting smileys all over the place. What kind of strange black art is this? Does anybody know why AL does its Cadet training in Michigan of all places ? Seems odd to me. Right, off to the pub then - have a nice weekend chaps. WWW

25th Jul 1998, 03:05
Yeah! My theory is vindicated http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif (hope it comes out!)

Now all I have to do is get one of those damn letters telling me to wait a bit longer and I'll be really happy.

Well done guys for getting through and for hanging tough, only problem is the wait for the outcome of the prelim is harder than that of the aptitude.

In answer to WWW they chose Michigan because it is cheap, the beer is crap and its possibly the worst place to be in winter!

Now having finished yet another ridiculous shift at work I can go home (before I go to work tomorrow morning - bit like Shorthaul really!)

3rd Aug 1998, 14:45

My letter confirming success at the prelim has arrived at long last.

Perhaps now I can let my fingernails grow!

3rd Aug 1998, 18:27
jniven -- congrats. How long did between the prelim and the letter?

HAs anyone else noticed that Aer Lingus have appeared to interview/deal with "older" people (those with degrees etc) first before moving onto the younger folks like me?

Seems they like you with a few years of uni under your belt. Hohum.

4th Aug 1998, 17:23
Interviewed on the 9th

Letter came yesterday(3rd) so approx 1 month between prelim and letter confirming their intention to have you to the third stage.

For you "Young" guys it will be quicker cause they want the whole thing wrapped up by early September

Incidentally re your point about Uni, although most people I talked to at the prelim were graduates there were some youngies there as well - from Eire - who had just finished their A-Level equivilents.

Good Luck WWW et al

5th Aug 1998, 15:01
Congrats Jniven on the letter! + good luck at the assessment centre

Anybody got some last minute advice for this prelim interview tomorrow?. Is the pilot chappie AL or ex-AL, anyone remember his name?

(nervous as hell!!!!!!!!!!)

5th Aug 1998, 15:57
AB - There are three boards, each has an active pilot on it, mine was an A330 guy.

My tips to interview sucess are think about what you say, don't BS. Thats it!

Seriously they will ask you questions beyond your knowledge eg how does a lightbulb work, you know the basics, stick to them, don't go any further. Know why you changed jobs 5 years ago and have a positive answer for any negative aspects of your CV, apart from that good luck - incidentally the bar at the hotel does nice sandwiches http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif

6th Aug 1998, 02:38
Mr. Niven (and everyone else headed for the next phase) congratulations and all the best. Fingers crossed !!

8th Aug 1998, 14:36
Gosh don't I feel uncomfortable posting here again! I did a search this morning and my name came up a lot on this topic http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif

Well chaps Aer Lingus themselves have sent me a letter to arrange my date (I have done so - 24th August subject to my managers good grace). Here is the info I got from the lovely Lady I spoke to:

Third stage starts on 12 Aug and goes on til end Aug. 6 People per session, each session lasts for one day. Takes place in PostHouse Hotel at the airport and includes free lunch.

Each day comprises Group Exercise, One Interview, Critical Thinking test, Pschological Profiling.

Doing the sums assuming one session per day no sessions at weekends we have about 12 days of testing = 72 candidates. I'll assume that they have already found people to go in August so we are looking at figures of about 1 in four from this stage. Scary http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif

Hope all goes well for Young'uns

10th Aug 1998, 13:58

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

10th Aug 1998, 21:48
Well Done Jonny-boy http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif

I left my interview thinking Oh God what have I done http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif

PARC send you a letter first saying congrats etc. Do nothing at this stage.

AL recruitment then send you a letter telling you to get in touch to arrange a date.

Format for the third stage is from one of the ladies coducting it. The interview is with a pilot only apparently, There is a Psyc assessment which is pretty deep as you say

Critical Thinking is the same kind of thing as the BA cadet aptitude CT test. Buy a GMAT book with some examples to practise.

11th Aug 1998, 17:04
jniven -- *You* left the interview thinking what had you done? I left wondering if I had enough time to get home and buy the jobs edition of the Belfast Telegraph!

No seriously, the interview wasn't a disaster, but they never go as well as you want do they? Tripped up on a couple of questions http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/frown.gif

Cheers for the info.
Now, where's that postman......

11th Aug 1998, 19:36

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 23 September 1999).]

11th Aug 1998, 21:38
AB - the AL personel dept had no presence at the #2 interview - there was a pilot from AL who asks some questions. The #3 interview is used to decide who goes on to a medical. Decisions on appointments are made after the medical.

11th Aug 1998, 22:33
The 2nd interivew: 1 AL personnel, 2 pilots. Don't be surprised at how senior they are. The psych assessment is not that deep. Logical thinking - no BS in your answers. As far as I can tell, recruitment will be going on til next year at least (if not longer). Your level of education has no +ve/-ve factor in your suitability. As for training in Michigan? Have you looked at the facilities out there? It's not a bad thing let me tell you. Good luck to all anyway.

12th Aug 1998, 19:10
Sure have, looks v.nice!


Who manufactures the 'extra300l' btw?
What type of training is it used for (don't say flying!!!) http://www.avnet.co.uk/pprune/Public_html/forum/smile.gif



13th Aug 1998, 23:28
The Extra 300L is made by:
Make: Extra
Model: 300 L (lowered wing for better vis)

It's used for spin+aerobatics training (and possibly a taildragger endorsement). As far as I know, the company is German. Correct me if I'm wrong.

17th Aug 1998, 18:08

[This message has been edited by Afterburner (edited 03 March 1999).]