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Fustrated WAFU
4th Oct 1999, 16:04
Well, I am not entirely sure how I did it but I have managed to wing it through the aptitude tests and have been invited back up to the urban regeneration project at Cranebank. This was undoubtedly aided by a reduced state of nervousness after following PRUNE and seeing so much of it come true.

Anyway, to add to the good advice around here I have 2 things to pass on that I wish I had known....

Firstly, on the Micropat 'Friend or Foe' assessment the majority - for me at least - were friends. Of course, this could be completely random but something about it makes me think not.

The second, and at not at all subjective, thing is about the Micropat landing test. Basically, it is a straight forward test with the exception of the auto-land's capture speed - for which there are no instructions. They indicate that a higher score will be achieved if the candidate gets to the threshold asap. It also says that the minimum flight speed is 100kts (with the throttle all the way back). What it does not say is that there is a MAXIMUM speed for the auto-land to capture. Now, I have no idea what that maximum speed is but I do know that if you do the good old "max speed, alter for centerline and dive to 75ft until just before the threshold" approach you may get 98% for accuracy but the landing will abort because the speed is too high. 100 kts will clearly be bulletproof but it was certainly possible to go a bit faster but how much is unclear. I seemed to get through OK by keeping the throttle at 100% until the centreline was hidden by the plane's body and then throttling back to 0%.

Hope this helps those who have yet to go.

Incidentally, has anybody got any tops tips on the final day? Is it still a group exercise, written work and interviews - if so are there any hot topics at the mo?

Jimmy Saville
4th Oct 1999, 16:52
Thanks for the tips !

What exactly does the "Friend or Foe" exercise consist of ? What other tests are on the micropat ? I know of the subtraction tests and the landing one but that's it...

Thanks in advance and best of luck with the rest of it.

PS - I have read all the archives on BA CEP scheme.

Wee Weasley Welshman
5th Oct 1999, 00:20
The friend or foe exercise has no bias. The selection is purely random I assure you. Thats not to say that on your test you are wrong about the bias but it is random.


5th Oct 1999, 12:31

What do you mean the selection is totaly random??? Maybe I'm being a bit thick but can you explain?

5th Oct 1999, 18:24
I think he means that the mixture of friends and foes is a random process. Not the selection of CEPs'
However, WWW you may be closer to the mark with the latter intrepratation!!!

Wee Weasley Welshman
6th Oct 1999, 00:00
3Greens - correct on both counts!