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View Full Version : JAA exam questions on the net...

Wee Weasley Welshman
2nd Oct 2000, 20:07
It looks like I have somehow stumbled across what appears to be an anonymous website containing loads of feedback questions from candidates taking the JAA ATPL exams. I canīt imagine where they come from.

Iīm just checking to make sure they are valid and legal.

Standby for the URL in the very near future. Could be a godsend for some currently studying for the exams. It seems like there are hundreds of actual sample questions...


[This message has been edited by Wee Weasley Welshman (edited 02 October 2000).]

2nd Oct 2000, 22:40
That sounds useful, to say the least!! Where can we find them?

3rd Oct 2000, 00:51
Absolutely right WWW, if genuine they will be a Godsend.

Mumble mumble, not enough hours in the day........ :)

3rd Oct 2000, 13:02
Standing by with raging anticipation!

LOC :)

3rd Oct 2000, 15:23
Can you hurry up!!!!
I'm in the middle of some re-sits this week and some help on Law and Met by to-night might save my bacon!

Many thanks

Wee Weasley Welshman
3rd Oct 2000, 15:24
Standby standby.


jet jones
3rd Oct 2000, 15:52
HOLD !!!!HOLD!!!HOLD!!! Guys i dont know how much longer I can hold this....WWW ... WWW....ww.....w... (http://WWW....ww.....w...)

live to fly

Wee Weasley Welshman
3rd Oct 2000, 19:33
Well here we go then chaps. Hundreds and hundreds of example JAA ATPL exam questions. Some are actuals others are the same format but different numbers.

Who knows where they came from or from which school(s) but I do know that its always very useful to be able to have a go at actual or damn close to actual questions prior to the exam.

Happy studying and you all owe a pint to some mysterious altruistic mystery man out there...


Wee Weasley Welshman
3rd Oct 2000, 19:34

3rd Oct 2000, 20:36
Excellent, cheers WWW.

and with annotation too ! :)

4th Oct 2000, 00:05
Splendid, dontchathink? :)

4th Oct 2000, 17:28
Thanx, great job! We are all happy now, let's work through the questions.

4th Oct 2000, 19:00
Many thanks

One word of warning is that these are 'oldish' questions and things have changed qite a bit over the last few months. Mostly for the better, thanks the CAA checking the papers before the send them out and removing 'most' of the rubbish!

None the less, a very good aid to study!

Dan Winterland
4th Oct 2000, 23:47
And I thought the CAA questions were bad.

Stu Bigzorst
5th Oct 2000, 01:29
These are all from Oxford. For a moment I thought I recognised *my* writing, but it was just similar.

WWW - Good luck with Mr Bean! (Due out to you soon...)

Wee Weasley Welshman
5th Oct 2000, 01:33
Stu - very cryptic, I don't understand.

OATS feedback q's you say?