View Full Version : Morrisby

Too Few Stripes
30th Aug 2000, 17:43
After WWW's comments about copyright etc etc etc I have changed tact slightly so rather than 'copying' their info leaflet etc I'll give you my version of it, no copying just general info and my opinions.

Morrisby claim their profile gives a picture of :

6 key abilities -
Verbal Ability
Numerical Ability
Perceptual Ability
Spatial Ability
Mechanical Ability

4 aspects of personality -
Inner Conviction
Confidence & decisiveness

Manual Dexterity

The abilities tests conatined questions on sequences/series both numerical and coloured shapes. These test you at solving problems using 'first principles'. Then there are tests involving 3d shapes which have been twisted around eg which shape A B C D represents this shape turned through 90' etc. There are then tests with cogs and pulleys - usual sort of stuff here, which way does this cog turn if this one goes anti-clockwise etc.
Morrisby say that it is not necessarily how high or low you score in each subject but the overall trend of results which are sent to you in a largish report full of graphs etc.

The personality tests seem very strange at first, they involve things like checking long pairs of numbers to see if they are the same and drawing repeated S's backwards and forwards, drawing pictures from pre-drawn lines etc. These tests are actualy done this way to see how quickly your brain can change from one thing to another.

Lastly you are tested to see how fast and accurate you are with your hands. This test involves using both left and right hands (not at the same time thankfully) and putting dots in squares, joining lines together etc

The shaped sequences start easily enough but do get more difficult as you progress. For the more difficult ones the easiest way(I found) to work out the sequence is divide the sequence into 3 separate sequences - these are SHAPE, COLOUR and SIZE. From this it is easy to work out the next few items in the sequence.

Practice using your 'wrong' hand. Also practice the S test I mentioned as well as writing repeated gamma signs both upright and upsidedown in sequence and alpha signs backwards and forwards.

Remember all tests are against the clock and you really must press on. If you make a mistake try to ignore it and continue.

That's about it ! GAPAN info to follow if I get positive feedback on this idea.

Good luck all,


PS. If anyone has any specific questions then mail me to avoid any problems. (Patience please for replies as Hotmail is not letting me into my account for some reason!!)

[This message has been edited by Too Few Stripes (edited 31 August 2000).]

30th Aug 2000, 18:06
Thanks for the post! :) :)

Its life Jim, but not as we know it!!

30th Aug 2000, 21:43
Top bloke Two-Few!!!!!cheers

31st Aug 2000, 22:53
Good info, keep up the good work.

1st Sep 2000, 00:22
Cheers TFS, much appreciated.
