View Full Version : Legal release for new job

13th Mar 2012, 21:13
The new company I am going to asked me for a legal release from the last employer. What exactly is this and how should a letter be worded?


14th Mar 2012, 04:05
you give them the authorisation to check your license and history check.Some pilots fly with fake documents.
Usually they must have a form for you to sign.

14th Mar 2012, 11:00
The legal release depends on which part of the world you are in. And for that matter if you are a local or were on a work visa.

14th Mar 2012, 11:05
Why don't you ask them? :)

Sounds like they want your previous employer to confirm that you have served (or will serve by a certain date) your notice period and that there are no outstanding bond payments due. Basically that you do not have any unfinished business there so once you start with the new employer you are dedicated 100% to them.