View Full Version : traveling with animals?

6th Mar 2012, 22:24
Does anybody have any good traveling-with-animals stories? Snakes on a plane? Dogs peeing on passengers? People trying to smuggle Komodo dragons aboard? Lion cubs getting loose?

this is for the book I'm doing on the history of stewardesses and FAs.

13th Mar 2012, 22:28
Not a Cabin crew story, but a cockpit crew one. I was at 25000ft over Zambia when I noticed a baboon spider on the ceiling just above the captain's head. Now I was faced with the very real dilemma of how to break it to him that he had a tarantula about 6 inches from his head. I decided to calmly as I could enquire what he thinks of spiders.He replied that he dislikes the, particularly if they are big. To which I said " well please don't frak out, but theres quite a big one on your windshield visor". He took it very well, considering, and swatted it with the flight folio book.

Of course the spider would never have survived to get into the cockpit were it not for the extremely lax nature of the carrier's cabin insecticide spraying. In the four years I was there, I think I saw the cabin spayed only twice.