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View Full Version : Perthes & Tenotomy

3rd Mar 2012, 22:59
Hi all

Planning the Class 1 exam soon you will note from an earlier thread.

Just wondering if anyone is in a similar boat to myself.

I had Perthes from about 7 but got discharged at 14. It has never really come against me in a big way. Occasionally take an anti-inflammatory tablet - rarely though.

As a result of a procedure being done incorrectly in Kilkenny.I had to have a tenotomy done in crumlin.( years ago also)

Do you think any of these could cause a fail for a class 1

Thank you


18th Mar 2012, 22:52
Your Perthes doesn't sound too bad if you have not had any surgical intervention. What procedure did you have done that later required a Tenotomy?

20th Mar 2012, 20:36
Hi there

Thanks for your reply.

I am only back from Tenerife.

Basically when I was younger I was under the care of a doctor at Kilkenny Orthopedic hospital. In those days the recommended treatment was to relieve pressure in around the hip joint and femoral head. As such I was put in traction (Traction is the use of a pulling force to treat muscle and skeleton disorders)
However normally the procedure dictates that you should be left laying in a flat position - I was not, I was left sitting upright for 3 1/2 weeks and once it was removed I was left with my leg in a way that meant once I got out of bed I could hold my knee up ( in other words I could not put my foot to the ground).

As far as I know I was then referred to Crumlin hospital for that issue for which I believe the tenotomy was done. I am currently writing to Crumlin to get access to my medical history to see exactly what treatment I had done while attending Crumlin Hospital.

It scares me a bit that it might be cause for an immediate disqualification but I will just have to do it and hope for the very best. If it is not to be then it is not to be.

Thanks for time

