View Full Version : Skyblue Airlines...Possible scam?

1st Mar 2012, 10:59

I received an email from sky blue airlines in nigeria stating I was successful in my initial application.. I was thrilled at the news. However further reading into the email, they requested I send a copy of my passport to an immigration agent..
E-MAIL:[email protected]
Tel: +234 8026942833
They also emailed me an application form and want me to send them a fee of £822 sterling via western union for a work permit to be issued.
Has anyone had any dealings with these people... Is it legit or a just a hoax?

1st Mar 2012, 11:11
I hope you have not sent the money!...

You can type 419 scam on the internet, you'll get an idea of what you're dealing with.

If you really need to sort out immigration, I suggest you get in touch with the Nigerian embassy for a start, in your home or neighboring country.

In Nigeria it is not a crime to scam people for money in this manner, as you have not been under threat to pay out, so they can escape any type of law suit.

Goes the same way when an unknown email sender tells you his customer from xxx bank has died in a car crash and left millions of dollars that no one can claim, unless you, the messiah of this unbelievable tragedy, will pose as the next of kin to get the money out and get a generous cut on the transaction....only after you've given your bank account details, name, signature, and maybe your credit card number too... but by then it's too late.

Good luck with your job hunting, and I could be mistaken about this company, I have never EVER had to send money to apply for a job, and even less of a chance via Western Union!

What experience/ratings do you have? Maybe I could point a few other places to you.

1st Mar 2012, 12:14
Hi flex,

thank you for your advise.. fortunatly, I have not sent them any money although I did send a copy of my passport... more fool me!

I am a low hour pilot with a frozen atpl hoping to get a break somewhere

1st Mar 2012, 14:44
Definitely a scam, I was working in Nigeria and had to fly to London to get my visa when I changed jobs as it could not be done in Nigeria.
For anybody else who is dealing with employment, NEVER EVER SEND MONEY, especially to Africa, no decent company will ask you to pay for your visa to go to work, as they have to sponsor you!!!
Furthermore, check the email address, @diplomats.com could be set up by anybody, official websites would usually be @____.gov
If in doubt, go to the country website and look at the other departments contact email address and compare.
Please don't get so desperate that you get stupid or careless!!!

1st Mar 2012, 14:59
In Nigeria it is not a crime to scam people for money in this manner, as you have not been under threat to pay out, so they can escape any type of law suit.

Just to set the record straight: It is a crime! 419 ist not a meaningless number but refers to the paragraph in the the Criminal Code Act

419. Any person who by any false pretence, and with intent to defraud, obtains from any other person anything capable of being stolen, or induces any other person to deliver to any person anything capable of being stolen, is guilty of a felony, and is liable to imprisonment for three years.
If the thing is of the value of one thousand naira or upwards, he is liable to imprisonment for seven years.
It is immaterial that the thing is obtained or its delivery is induced through the medium of a contract induced by the false pretence.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant unless found committing the offence. (Copied from somewhere on the web - not sure if it's up to date)

2nd Mar 2012, 04:47
Mogas, I stand corrected. :ouch:

Still for anyone to be presented in court, one victim would have to dish out thousands of dollars to go to Nigeria in front of a local tribunal (haha), only in the hope to recover a few hundred dollars? Not going to happen.

I have flown in and out of Lagos, 10 years ago, things will have changed for sure, but I doubt it would be for the better.

Just for the low hour pilots looking for a job: a base in Lagos will be in a secured compound or apartment block, armed guards with AK-47 or pump action shotguns, and barb wire fence all around.

This would be my last option to look for a job.

John10007111 , PM me your CV, see if there is anything I can help with, never know. Sending a copy of your passport should have no consequences.


2nd Mar 2012, 12:01

I would have thought that following an application for job for flying these machines it is normal for an interview or further tests to be conducted before talk of work permit.

Just checking on this Skyblue's website if they are not 419 then something makes them seriously "sick". They claimed to have trained 10,000 pilots since 2003. Then on one part they are preparing for passenger operations and on the other hand they are already operating Dash 8, Boeing 727 300/900, 737-400/500 and employing 35 "personnel". 419 or not I would not like to be associated with such characters. Furthermore diplomats.com has nothing to do with immigration in Nigeria while the contact number is a private mobile.

These are the types of people and situations that give Nigeria a bad name. I think you should PM your details to FLEXPWR and hopefully be guided accordingly.