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View Full Version : Norwegian DEC assessment

22nd Feb 2012, 13:17
Gentlemen, I know all about the politics (I read it all on here) but a guy has to eat ! !
Any info anybody would care to share about Norwegian Air Shuttle DEC assessment procedures would be very much appreciated.
If for some reason you don't want to post here, a P.M is fine for me (but not for everyone else of course)

Cheers :ok:

22nd Feb 2012, 22:38
If u want food on the table you should look somewhere else no? :ugh:

23rd Feb 2012, 09:14
Best paying 737 contract job out there, with the possible exception of China/India & other "attractive" locations, but their figures are in any case usually quoted in Dollars, so if you are living in Europe, & a miracle results in the Euro recovering, "Hello Pay Cut" .
A tad less than 9000€ should put enough bread on the table for me.

Anyhow, this , & "my" similar thread over on Terms & Endearment have become tax/do not go discussions.
Original Q , by both of us, was trying to find info on what to expect. . . if anyone can offer any pointers. . . . . . . .

23rd Feb 2012, 23:17
Friendly reception ? nobody done it ?

Listen, if you don't like it , tell your union, in the meantime, anyone who did & passed (so no risk there Eh ? ) try & help your Mates who will be buying your Beers in Malaga ? )

24th Feb 2012, 18:13
Short and friendly interview, no trick questions nor any tech stuff.. Sim ride, is briefed in advance (in full) pretty straight forward, engine fail on TO folowed by the usual bits and pieces...hard to fail; if prepared.

Someone owes me a beer!!! :ok:

24th Feb 2012, 19:57
In contact with 2 ex-colleagues who passed the selection, they didn't do Sim ride, only interview, they were for FO position, rated with experience.
Agency has told me the same story, only interview, which is indeed unusual.
To collect that Beer, 1st I have to pass ! !
Was yours for DEC ?

24th Feb 2012, 20:36
I have several friends working with DY, including fresh guys doing their rating now with DY, experienced FOs and DECs. none of them have done any sim checks to enter the company. the interview was just a friendly chat

25th Feb 2012, 07:55
Sim ride is for DEC, its called Captains evaluation. True about no sims at initial interview, but 1st sim session is a do or die, so to say!

25th Feb 2012, 08:56
OK that clarifies it.

Thanks a lot, fingers crossed I can buy you 2 Beers in AGP !

25th Feb 2012, 14:19
There are no Ads at the moment via the two agencies concerned, for FO's, but, if I remember correctly, there weren't any.
Basically, as far as I understand it ,any FO joining at this moment will not be on the "old" Norwegian contract, but will be employed via an agency.
I know of 2 who joined recently, & have been allocated AGP, one wished HEL, but it wasn't available. I believe the AGP base is planned to expand, & that FO recruitment is continuing, but via normal applications, rather than in response to a dedicated Ad.
If I remember correctly, neither of my 2 colleagues had flown NG. I think the old caveat (for FO's at least) is that it helps if someone already working there can put a word in for you.
Probably best to contact them directly & clarify, rather than missing the (long) boat ;).

25th Feb 2012, 18:14
As I understand things, you will be "based" in Malaga but you will be shipped in to Arlanda, Gothenburg, Torp and Oslo to work. That means you will be replacing the crew who have waited months and years to go home and be rid of the commute from other bases.

I don't know, but it sounds like a good setup for eh.. a frosty flight deck climate if you ask me :ouch:

28th Feb 2012, 08:36
Well I hope you guys have been reading up on your breaking action figures, and hold over time tables, beacuse ENTC, ENKR, ENAT, ENDU and ENEV is where you will be flying next winter. Have fun!

5th Mar 2012, 16:05
some news about first officer? have them already been hired?

11th Mar 2012, 18:17
Hi everyone :). Does anyone know which agency I should contact to apply for a position on the 73. In fact I am just type rated so far. Will be very nice of you if you could inform me.

11th Mar 2012, 18:33
Sorry to say, but with a shiny new rating I would think for Norwegian you have zero chance. They do take newly rated guys, but from their own/approved TRTO. The rest of the recruitment is for guys with a few hundred hrs on type.

de facto
12th Mar 2012, 07:58

Are you employed?

12th Mar 2012, 15:29
Yep, I'm there.

12th Mar 2012, 15:54
Ageism rules..........

12th Mar 2012, 18:23
Nope. . . . := my course has DEC's from early thirties to 60 + :ok:

13th Mar 2012, 05:50
Ok thanks for that , bit of a mystery really as they are still advertising . Never had a problem working before .
Oh well , no point in renewing any more LPCs and Medicals , I'll go and do that sailing test I've put off for many years !!

13th Mar 2012, 07:15
Depends what agency you are using. At the moment PARC are being CRAP (PARC spelt backwards) & seem to be very unresponsive to their pilot candidates & potential candidates. Rishworth are getting people in the door.
Kind of contrary to the previously established order, but if you haven't signed yet with the Irish lot, try the Kiwis, maybe it will fast track you a bit.

13th Mar 2012, 13:16
It was Rishworth who advised me that NAS had not selected me for interview ! Don't get it .

19th Mar 2012, 14:20
Sorry if it's discussed earlier,but do you get offered Malaga base or would it be Helsinki? Any news of other bases for contractors? Cheers

19th Mar 2012, 16:21
Not yet 100 % confirmed for those just joining.

No, not for the moment.

23rd Mar 2012, 16:32

It would be interesting to know from which airlines DECs to Norwegian were coming as there must be some vacancies there! Any ideas by any chance?

23rd Mar 2012, 20:08
From what I have seen, other smaller Scandi airlines, some "retirees" coming back for one last go, Ryanair, and those who (like myself) have contracted for a little while.
So, no yawning gaps anywhere in particular.

23rd Mar 2012, 22:59
Thanks CaptPS,

I was hoping to discover that they had all come from the same airline which was now going to be short but alas not it seems...