View Full Version : Implimentation of EASA Medical Standards

18th Feb 2012, 23:52
For those who, due to RK or LASIK were unable to meet the "uncorrected" vision requirements prior to surgery, I'm sure you are excited about the forthcoming EASA implimentation of Aircrew Regulations.

The first four annexes of the Aircrew Regulation (containing Part-FCL, Part-MED, conditions for the conversion of national licences and conditions for the acceptance of third country licences) were published Friday 25 November in the Official Journal. Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 lays down the technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew.

The following link takes you to MED.B.070 Visual System (Bottom of pg187) and this identifies the requirement simply to meet the standards with or without correction regardless of the surgery.


Each country however may have set a different date of implementation, i.e. the UK has set it's date of 1 July 2012. Refer:

What's New | Medical | Safety Regulation (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=49&pagetype=87)

If anyone knows of any EU country that is implimenting earlier than that, please advise!