View Full Version : Beer

SH Monkey
6th May 2001, 22:55
I have a question.... in most civilized countries, the word for beer is a similiar word derived from beer, like berre, biere... why do you Latin speaking countries have to make it so hard to just order a beer?


[This message has been edited by SH Monkey (edited 06 May 2001).]

7th May 2001, 15:05
if you are looking for a job in central/south america you better start speaking the lingo, no good complaining how hard it is to ask for a beer. i had to learn english to learn to fly, to earn enough, to buy a cerveza
salud amigo

7th May 2001, 15:10
What do you exactly mean by "civilized"? :rolleyes:
Well...let's said we just wanted to give you a new challange by learning a "basic" word to cover your "basic" needs....
"Cerveza" isn't that difficult either...is it? :) :)

*************************Happy Landings! :)

7th May 2001, 17:04
For a serious answer.

The word comes from the Latin "cerevisia" (which in turn comes from "cereal", as the drink) and it is found in Spanish since 1535.

As for the "civilised" words, all come from the Italian.

You know, languages just are, so if you want to learn one, don't try to change it so it makes sense to you, it does't work like that (unfortunately for some).

Take care of yourself and fly safely.

7th May 2001, 17:14
Actually there is a word well known at least here in spain, we use to say BIRRA to order a beer, really similar to the english word.

7th May 2001, 17:25
... which is also an Italian new influence...

31st May 2001, 21:43
Xenia - who do u work 4 in uk?