View Full Version : International Aviation Language

Sliding member
29th Dec 2001, 13:58
In the world of International Aviation why dont you lot speak it, so that everyone else knows who youre slagging off! <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

29th Dec 2001, 18:06
Hello buddy,

A bit of history for you : in June 1783 the Montgolfier Brothers made the first public demonstration of a model hot-air balloon and in September they flew a balloon carrying animals to demonstrate that it was possible to survive in the sky.
Some weeks later Pilatre de Rozier, a science teacher, and the Marquis d'Arlandes, an infantry officer, became the first human air travellers when, in a hot-air balloon, they flew for 9 km (5.5 m) over Paris.



Pen it off!
29th Dec 2001, 19:58

sliding members got a point, although i agree with you, you cant change hisorty but you can help change the future. It would be nice to know what our learned friends are bitching about, maybe we can chip in and show them how to moan at the highest level.

Wrong side of the M62 mate! <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

Sliding member
29th Dec 2001, 20:02

Pen it off!
29th Dec 2001, 20:14
Sliding Member,

You have most valid point, i concede. Is there anything else they are good at?

Where is our most honourable frien Tony Draper when you need a good quick response?

<img src="confused.gif" border="0">

[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: Pen it off! ]</p>

29th Dec 2001, 20:17
what are you trying to demonstrate Sliding member ? Are you jealous because you are unable to speak another language than English ? If so I feel sorry for you !

Sliding member
29th Dec 2001, 20:29

Demonstrating nothing, speaking purely through experience, However, does the cap fit in your neck of the woods? <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

29th Dec 2001, 21:49
I was just testing your sence of humour Sliding member ... dear mate I'm sorry to tell you but you just failed ! ... however we will be happy to hear from you again after you complete some additional training ... only jocking !
but I think you should learn that you will be respected only if you respect people ... even french people know that ...

[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: flyingdog ]</p>

30th Dec 2001, 00:01
You sliding moron....get a life !!!!!
or go back to school get some "education " ....
you S....Y A...Hole....
brand new PPrune Nbr. but already slagging off !!!

another Bean Ladin......Won't last very long ,bet you.

Pax vobiscum.

30th Dec 2001, 00:20
flyingdog, ma verVe anglosaxone n'est pas assez développée pour répondre de la sorte à ces quelques frustrés.
merci et happy new year

ATC Watcher
30th Dec 2001, 02:48
Time to throw a dead cow on the catapult over to the fortress (For those who saw the movie.)

Sliding new member :
Je t'embrasse bien fort, sans enlever ni mon collier d'oignons ni mon beret basque. Happy new year neighbour...

God bless the TGV and the Eurotunnel .

30th Dec 2001, 15:29
Qui c'est qui disais que je devais etre tous le temps sympa dans mes interventions 3000PSI?? (Je rigole).

To be honest,this war between the french and English has been on from longtime.The constatation since is your are in progress guys!!!
Before you use to slaughter each other now it is just keep going by words.Next year maybe you going to start be friend, who knows?? that's my wish for 2002!!!
To complete the information about aviation languages you might be aware than the international languages use by ICAO are English,French,Spanish,and Russian.

All the best for the next year.
<img src="cool.gif" border="0">

30th Dec 2001, 15:46

Il n'y a malheureusement pas de doigt dressé bien haut comme "message icon", mais il le meriterais...

Please, read the following book:

"Honni soit qui mal y pense" or the incredible lovestory between French and English languages,
author is Misses Henriette Walter

You will learn a lot...

You will learn that from 1066 (Hastings) to Jeanne of Arc, it's about 300 years, the official language in Britannia was French...Only the peasants were speaking English !

And, in addition, if you are a little bit aware of the aviation laws and rules, please review the Chicago Convention, you will find there that English is not the only aeronautical language.

And why are we obliged to use English ? Because of the Americans ! If the greatest manufacturer were Russian, we'll have to use Russian in the skies.

Just think !

Look through the window <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

30th Dec 2001, 17:41
Sliding something & Le pen it off:
no comment, seulement provoc, luckly, all the people who speak english are not like you.
Are you so stupid guys, that you can't learn another language?
Bonne annee 2002 (Happy new year 2002)

30th Dec 2001, 21:14
Salut JuliettePapa,
je vais essayee de ne plus etre grognon et tout le temps sympa !!! : "l 'annee prochaine "
mais "sliding sur quelque chose de pas poli..." !!!
m'insuporte , car c'est une fatalite sur ce forum il en faut toujours un pour casser du "Francophone" , je pense tout comme le suggere ATC Watcher, catapulter la vache morte dans sa coure....et l'ignorer......insulte supreme !
il vat peut etre s'attaquer au forum scandinave ou espagnol.
He watcher il ya longtemps que l'on ne t'avais entendus ,comment vat Eurocontrol !?!?

30th Dec 2001, 21:36
Anglais est le premiere langue tous le monde. Chinois apart. Voulez vous ecouter persons comme mois destroye le belle langue Francais dans le radio? Je pense non. Vive l'anglais!

30th Dec 2001, 22:03
Red light, si la langue française va mal, ton post l'a achevée.

30th Dec 2001, 23:05
et moi je voulais pas m'en prendre aux anglophones ... j'ai tellement de potes Brit et Irish qui sont supers, ils sont un peu plus évolués que ce sliding member :)
J'en profites pour vous souhaitez à tous et ou que vous soyez mes meilleurs voeux pour 2002 <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

31st Dec 2001, 06:24
do you want to know what we're bitching about....people like you. most of us on this forum work in an english spoken-only flightdeck and know all about the problems which arise when an other crew member is out of the loop, before slagging just ask if we would like english to be spoken in CDG for example, most likely the majority will answer yes but you have to show-off with your colonial attitude and **** everybody off, so please get a life, go away and go french bashing on the main forum like your pals.
pour le reste bonne année 2002 avec une hausse de salaire ou un lap-top, voir même du travail.

2nd Jan 2002, 14:43
answer your post Pesket would be a waste of time <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

ATC Watcher
2nd Jan 2002, 22:24
For the education and entertainement of our English colleagues .
A little Chrismas carol ( a bit late I know ) :

Once upon a time, two American brothers decided to fight gravity and succeeded for a few minutes with a machine made from bicycle parts. However they were not prophets in their own land and soon , to promote ( and sell) their products thay had to come to a Country, far away across the Ocean.
The first thing they did was to learn the local funny language.
They became so successful that they started to export their products, mostly manufactured in that country. Some models went as far as China, and guess in which language the maintenace manuals were.
Soon after came the great War (1914-1918) and real development of aviation started. Unfortunately for the Germans they lost the war and had to surrender in rather dramatic way.
The terms of reddition were known as the Treaty of Versailles, and its Annex contains the first rules of Civil aviation : guess what, as the French were the victoriuos party, and had almost the monopoly on manufacure, and held some important post at the International Telecommunications Union body in Geneva ( another bloody French speaking area ), they prescribed that the International radiophony language should be made of French words.
When that became difficult a few years later they invented the Q-codes, which was an international language in itself.
When the second world war started,the French aviation went into a debacle and soon the Germans on one side and the British and the Americans on the other took over the skies.
Just before the end of the war in 1944 ( but the cards were already played) the winning party ( i.e the Americans )called those cards , moved the PICAO body from Paris,called it ICAO ,and held the famous Chicago convention, where it was stated that,the language to be used when overflying a country shall be the language of the country overflown, but also that pending the introduction of an International language, English -based language should be used or made available, internationally.
As the war ended, the massive number of surplus aircraft coming from the States ( DC3, DC4 , Curtiss , etc..) and the fact that the Americans controlled much of Europe, made that R/T was immediately done in English.

The rules still say today ( in 2002 ) the same as what was written in 1944 to the comma.
The International language Working Group ( ILA) only met twice and only came up with 2 or 3 words (e.g. Roger, Wilco, )and took over some of the old french International phraseology (e.g.: Panne, M'Aider) to Amercicanise it ( Pan - Mayday.. )
For the Francophobes : Panne equals Engine failure and M'aider is Help me ).

Morale of the Story : Do not mix up Cultural prestige and reality : we speak some form of English language in the R/T today because of the Americans, not the British...
One always speaks the language of the victorious part ..
French language is after all a mixure of Germanic, Gaellic and mostly Roman ( or Italian )dialects.
English is a mixure of Germanic. Gaellic and Norman.. Norman is a French dialect.. we could go on ..
Today to fly the ISS you have to speak American or Russian... Every Space tourist has to start his training with 3 months of Russian language..

So Morale of the morale : It is a pity that the Germans did not win both world wars, as we we all be speaking German on the R/T today and we probably would not be debating this on Internet. (there probably would't be an Internet either )

Plus we would be flying in much more sophisticated Aeroplanes that those of today..

Eines Shones Neus jahr .
Bonne annee quand meme a tous mes amis Anglais, Ecossais et Gallois.


P.S : mon cher PSI, Eurocontrol va bien, merci, j'etais juste un peu parti ces derniers temps.

[ 02 January 2002: Message edited by: ATC Watcher ]</p>

4th Jan 2002, 01:09
Bien dit Watcher....

Habe ich kein problem ein Messerscmitt zu fliegen in dieser zukunft nur schade wird die Haken-kreuz sein.....
Prosit Neues Jahr !

Schuss !

4th Jan 2002, 01:55
ach! che safais kon y arrrriferai un chour.

4th Jan 2002, 16:47
Sliding thing

If only you were able to speak or read basic french, you would discover that we don't waste too much time, on the "French Forum", bashing our "english-only-speaking" colleagues;
We prefer to write and to read about sex, for example.

Why don't you start a classic "french bastards" thread in the main forum ?

Personnaly I don't give a s**t of your opinion.

4th Jan 2002, 17:10
Chers amis, deux questions:

1)pourquoi perdons nous du temps à repondre à un provocateur, et un provocateur imbécile en plus? Il a démontré plutot clairement qu'une discussion sérieuse n'était pas ce qui l'intéréssait.

2)pourquoi lui répondéz-vous en Anglais? Ici c'est le FF, s'il veut entamer une discussion en Anglais (j'ai plutot l'impression qu'il voulait seulement répandre de la ...) qu'il déplace son 12 de Q.I. au Forum "Questions".


Fabuleuse Flyblue

4th Jan 2002, 18:34
Salut Ô Fabuleuse !

Je me doutais que ton silence était une manifestation discréte de ton mépris vis à vis de ce Sliding bidule...Nous n'avons pas ta force !
Honte sur ce provoc minable ! Honte sur nous d'avoir embrayé sur sa connerie !

Et copp ? On t'entend pas ? Vas y casse le bien avec ton accent belgichounet mignon tout plein.

Un jour , je l'aurai. (pas l'accent ! ...le provoc)

5th Jan 2002, 01:14
Ab Fab, tu m'ôtes les mots de la bouche ! A savoir que je voulais juste faire remarquer en passant qu'ici, à ce qu'il me semblait du moins, c'était un forum où l'on parlait français.

Alleï alleï (content Porco ? :) ) les gars, ne sautez pas à pieds joints dans la provoc', il y a d'autres moyens pour user intelligemment son temps !

Bises à tous. <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

5th Jan 2002, 01:53
... j'crois que c'est clair c'est les filles qui ont raison !!! mais bon ça fait du bien de temps en temps de se dégourdir <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

5th Jan 2002, 02:38
...histoire de faire bon usage de l'excédent de testosterone, hein flydog? <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

Porco, ce jour la, j'espère etre à tes cotés! :)

[ 04 January 2002: Message edited by: flyblue ]</p>

5th Jan 2002, 21:45
tu as vu juste Flyblue <img src="wink.gif" border="0"> ... mais maintenant ça va mieux <img src="cool.gif" border="0">