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View Full Version : more strife for RAA

27th Jan 2012, 10:52
a/c upside down at George Town yesterday!

frew a blade from a Bolly prop.......

27th Jan 2012, 11:16
Please explain how that is strife for RAA?

Tiger moth and two dead, does that = strife for ga? And don't get me wrong I'm sad about the fatalities but trying to understand you post.

28th Jan 2012, 03:43
Not being able to spell is a bigger problem than 'strife' for the RAA.

28th Jan 2012, 04:55
Spelling aside,
the lack of info in the original post, when considered against its implicit allegation is rather bemusing.
We have anymore info on the incident?

Everyone ok? <<<<<< thats the goss we really hope for.

Given the provocative nature of the original post, one must assume that everyone was, otherwise why word the post that way. If not everyone got out ok, then its a rather callous post IMO :=

28th Jan 2012, 06:02
frew a blade from a Bolly prop.......

I assume the "strife" refers to this component. If Bolly props are throwing blades (which I heard that they have been known to do before) then potentially a large number of aircraft could be grounded until the problem is rectified.

Arnold E
28th Jan 2012, 07:18
a large number of aircraft could be grounded until the problem is rectified.

Could someone please explain the procedure for grounding an RAA aircraft. This is not a flippant question, I do not know the procedure or effect.:confused:

28th Jan 2012, 08:43
Service bulletins get released by RA-Aus in consultation with the relevant parties such as CASA and / or FAA, then owners/operators are informed by the website and usually by snail mail. The severity of the service bulletin / AD determines whether or not it's a case of check before next flight, check within 50 hours or perhaps grounding as some examples.

As a side note a large number of RA-Aus LSA registered aircraft were recently grounded due to an LSA C of A paperwork issue that was identified by a recent CASA audit so it certainly can happen.

In this particular case if there have been similar occurrences I would expect to see an SB with a check before flight or within a certain number of hours. Or alternatively, nothing will happen.

Frank Arouet
28th Jan 2012, 08:45
Zenair Zodiac was grounded just about everywhere. I've forgotten the details but worth a Google.

I believe a mod has now fixed the problem.

Arnold E
28th Jan 2012, 09:06
Service bulletins get released by RA-Aus in consultation with the relevant parties such as CASA and / or FAA, then owners/operators are informed by the website and usually by snail mail. The severity of the service bulletin / AD determines whether or not it's a case of check before next flight, check within 50 hours or perhaps grounding as some examples.

As a side note a large number of RA-Aus LSA registered aircraft were recently grounded due to an LSA C of A paperwork issue that was identified by a recent CASA audit so it certainly can happen.

In this particular case if there have been similar occurrences I would expect to see an SB with a check before flight or within a certain number of hours. Or alternatively, nothing will happen.

Thanks for the info, what authority makes the actions happen and what happens if the actions are not followed, I guess the last point is the most important.

Frank Arouet
29th Jan 2012, 07:25
RA-Aus operate on an "Instrument" or "exemption" from the regulations which despite 23 years are still not complete. Most airlines operate on "exemptions" because the regulations are not suited to their operation.

The Jurisdiction matters past RA-Aus is CASA who administer, police, indeed write and prosecute the regulations and "Instruments" as they stand.

Arnold E
29th Jan 2012, 07:40
The Jurisdiction matters past RA-Aus is CASA who administer, police, indeed write and prosecute the regulations and "Instruments" as they stand.

So does that mean CASA will implement and enforce the AD if there is one, I'm still confused.:confused:

29th Jan 2012, 08:08
So does that mean CASA will implement and enforce the AD if there is one, I'm still confused.http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/confused.gif

Yes, many years ago I instigated an AD for a training aircraft that was on the VH and RAA register, they issued an AD promptly indeed!

29th Jan 2012, 10:49
So it was you Jabba that caused the aileron to fall off the Gazelle!

Good question Arnold - you theoretically can't enforce it, but no different to GA really, other than than an owner maintainers could choose to not implement it and possibly nobody would ever find out until the aircraft were crashed or sold, whichever comes first.