View Full Version : Flying Sperm!

27th Jan 2012, 07:39
Oh well, nature knows best :8

Didn't they realise what it looked like? U.S. 'spy plane' designers left red-faced over aircraft's rather embarrassing shape | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2092532/Didnt-realise-looked-like-U-S-spy-plane-designers-left-red-faced-aircrafts-embarrassing-shape.html)

27th Jan 2012, 07:56
True definition of a 'weather balloon' literally :cool::cool::ok:

Might explain any Uninformed Floating Objectives sightings :cool:

Buster Hyman
27th Jan 2012, 08:33
Looking forward to the first combat insertion...

green granite
27th Jan 2012, 08:50
Not exactly stealthy is it? :)

Lets hope it doesn't automatically head for Woomera

27th Jan 2012, 09:47
Looks like the aftermath of a designer c**k-up.

27th Jan 2012, 11:13
imagine the possibilities for camouflage!
[YOUTUBE]Tutorial for Balloon Camel - YouTube

27th Jan 2012, 18:38
Designer was a guy called Richard Head :E

27th Jan 2012, 18:42
Ah well, as ever, form follows function.

walter kennedy
27th Jan 2012, 20:11
Ah that explains the boom in condom sales in the middle east - protection from UAV

27th Jan 2012, 21:56
Looks like a maggot!

27th Jan 2012, 22:03
So how does it move? where/what is the propulsive force?

Buster Hyman
27th Jan 2012, 23:49
Just one prick & it's gone though...

27th Jan 2012, 23:55
Its going to cost a fortune, having to put thousands of them up for just one to complete its task

28th Jan 2012, 07:49
Perhaps designed by a female with a big erm, idea

Buster Hyman
28th Jan 2012, 08:24
Is it true that the first one will be called the USS Bill Clinton?

28th Jan 2012, 09:08
Will it have a recovery ship .................something like

Pentagon Recovery Intelligence Collecting etc etc

28th Jan 2012, 09:10
Rumour is that oppenents have discovered a block for this and intend to use it to sanitize a large area its called

Control of Non Denominated Operation ...........etc etc

28th Jan 2012, 12:47
a certain French Fighter squadron c. 1970 had a demi official badge of a rampant winged set of family jewels [meat and two veg] which they used as a zap when visiting NATO airbases. Guetersloh was festooned with them c. 1969. The one on the Met. Office shutters was preserved, because I whipped the shutter off when the SWO's jankers wallahs were going round the station overpainting them.
Hid it behind SMetO's cupboard for display to visiting dignitaries.

Who has it now, I wonder?