View Full Version : Class 1 medical ECG/audiogram

26th Jan 2012, 20:21
The CAA informed that when we take our initial Class 1 medicals if we provide them with a locally done ECG/audiogram they will reduce the utter daylight robbery charge by £90 ish, as long as they are stamped by a CAA AME. They didn't mention whether it needed to be a Class 1 approved AME. Am I right to assume that they will accept Class 2 AME approved ECG/audiogram or will they use this as an excuse to take more money off me than they aleady have?

With the imminent deadline I assume someone has knowledge please?


27th Jan 2012, 06:53
Just learn to write the cheques, life in civvieland will be much easier for you once you accept that fact. I left with 5000 hours and it still cost me thousands to do the exams/flying/medicals etc. The exemptions were not in place those days, you just ticked boxes and wrote cheques. Nothing has changed other than my company write a lot of the cheques now :ok:

Jump through those hoops!

27th Jan 2012, 07:14
Just learn to write the cheques, life in civvieland will be much easier for you once you accept that fact.


I'm afraid jayteeto is right. There's a deserving organisation with headquarters just south of Gatwick airport that needs your money now.....and on a regular basis for the rest of your civvie career.

As he says just jump through the hoops.

27th Jan 2012, 08:17
I take your point, and accept it fully. But it was the CAA actually who suggested getting the ECG and audiogram done prior snd to get them signed by a CAA doc. It's simply because I already have the bits signed by a class 2 doc that I ask.

27th Jan 2012, 08:48
Put it in and see what happens, another tried and tested method. You may be lucky!

Fnarrrr Fnarrr

27th Jan 2012, 10:28
The cost of a ECG and an Audiogram with an AME won't be far off £75 so there is not much to be saved.

27th Jan 2012, 10:43
That's a good philosophy on lot's of things in this life....

27th Jan 2012, 11:26
I had a Class II that one day turned into a Class1 all done by a RAF Medic for no cost. Never did an Initial Class1!

27th Jan 2012, 12:48
:O Oooh missus.......

27th Jan 2012, 13:14
I think they will accept the signature of a class 2 AME - they're just asking for the counter-signature as evidence that the audiogram and ECG are actually legit - they're not going to accept his interpretation - they will do their own.

On that basis - get them done, countersigned and submit them. However; as mentioned by one of the previous posters - it might not be worth bucking the system to save a few quid. You would not be the first to show up with an externally sourced medical report to have it turned down because it does not show exactly the data that they want, or is printed on the wrong kind of graph paper.


27th Jan 2012, 14:42
When I left, the initial medical was done by the SMO, who was CAA approved, and cost me nothing. It might be worth finding out if there is an RAF MO who can do you one. Saved me quite a few shillings. Remember them?
However, as stated above, you will pay out quite a bit until you get a job with an outfit who will pick up the bills. And not all outfits do, these days. It should be possible to claim tax relief if you do pay.

27th Jan 2012, 18:40
Service MOs, even though they might be CAA-approved AMEs, are no longer permitted to conduct initial Class 1 medicals.

27th Jan 2012, 21:38
It was a while ago.

28th Jan 2012, 09:37
In the good old days before the CAA they were done at Shell-Mex House!

28th Jan 2012, 09:59

Have you rung up the CAA PLD to ask them the question? Even better, have you emailed them for a 'written' response (followed up by a phone call) that, assuming the answer is YES, you can then attach to your application as proof of the CAA's decision? If, however, the answer is NO, then you know exactly where you stand.


28th Jan 2012, 10:06
If its your initial Class 1 then you will be at Gatwick all day anyway so you could save a lot of time and frustration by just taking it all in one hit..:cool: