View Full Version : Ownership Rules In Europe

MES Drvr
24th Jan 2012, 15:54
Can a US citizen or a US corporations own a EU/Europe based airline and/or can they be the majority owner (Voting Stock). Most countries limit foreign ownership and was wondering whether EU/Europe had the same rules.

24th Jan 2012, 17:57
Non EU individual or company/corporation can own up to 49% of an EU based registered airline. That's unlike in the US where I believe it's a max of 25%.

MES Drvr
25th Jan 2012, 12:04
Thanks. That is what I gathered from browsing the net. The collapse of Cirrus Airlines is what triggered this question. Thanks again.

25th Jan 2012, 12:24
At the time the Third Package was put together (early 1990s) which defined European liberalisation, three non-EU airlines were given ‘honorary’ Community Carrier status. One was SAS which at the time was only 2/7 owned by (Danish) EU interests – Sweden was then not an EU member. The others were Britannia and Monarch, both Canadian-owned.

Whether the EU would allow the rule to be bent in order to – for example – rescue a Central European national airline from extinction is a moot point.

Also, I’m not sure how they monitor it. I’m pretty sure BA has a substantial non-EU ownership base, maybe close to the limit, and shares are changing hands every day.