View Full Version : SAS voted as number 1!

2nd Apr 2001, 02:51
The american magazine Traveller has just published the results of their poll:

The pride of Scandinavia picked up several awards

Again SAS was voted to have the best on-board service.

The readers especially commented on the low age, commitment and customer-relation skills among the cabin crew.

The company also received an award for "Best paint scheme".

In the aircraft category the Q400 was voted best commuter airplane. The judges were also grateful for being given the opportunity to see the different seasons of the Scandinavian countries, while waiting for the Q to re-enter service.

Keep up the good work (and the noses...)!

2nd Apr 2001, 12:15
Guess it feels bad to fail the test :)

In thrust we trust

2nd Apr 2001, 14:51
What a surprising reply, and it didnt take too long!!!

I KNEW this was coming. As soon as someone is making a negative comment about SK, you always assume one has failed your test, which implies applying to your company!?

Now, why would I want to:
- fly a smaller aircraft
- get paid less
- pay more tax
- not getting anything for my after-tax $
- live where its -18C (when Im on the beach)

In many ways SK is a good company. But lets be realistic, many things could be improved!

Why not take it as constructive criticism and:

- at least get rid of the +70 CA's
- re-paint your aircraft
- buy RJ's like everyone else

well, Happy landings! (watch your tail...)

2nd Apr 2001, 16:25
havin´ a real hard time finding any constructive critisism in your post, my friend. First of all our CA´s do retire at 60 years (a few at 62), we have recruited most of the young CA´s outthere on the market (try asking DM !!!) and finally the most of the RJ´s are limited to be operated at XWC below 15 kts and runways above 1500 m, which makes it pretty hard to operate e.g. on westcoast and in northern part of Norway.

By the way, what do you know about my tax-percentage - you don´t have to live in Scandinavia to work there :) :) :)

Juliet November
3rd Apr 2001, 04:20
And from a pax point of view, I knew this already. Have down selected all other carriers when able to fly SAS, purely for the excellent service they provide on businessclass. Noone thay I have tried on short to medium haul in Europe comes even close. Far better attention to detail, very polite, always smiling and very nice food too.

And they do have some very nice hostesses these days :)

Bit surprised by the Q400 thingy being voted best regional though. Didn't know they had actually accumulated enough hours to be generally :) :) :) :) :)

Sorry TCAS ......


3rd Apr 2001, 20:13
SAS Reward for best paint scheme ??????????????
Who was the judge ???? Stewie wonder perhaps ???

The post is from 1'st of April .

3rd Apr 2001, 22:35
Lets not insult eachother with commentes about our companies. Who cares if you work for SAS or ASA (a US Commuter), we are pilots and lets be proud of it. We can help eachother be being open about working conditions and pay, thereby trying to improve the conditions where we have chosen to live.
Sure I'm also one of those guyes who hate my taxes and would much prefere to live in a warmer climate. When that oppotunity comes I'll grab it. Thats one of the reasons for pprune, right?
BTW, who do you work for Upstairsdriver...B-747 operator? :)

4th Apr 2001, 18:42
There seems to be a whole bunch of scandinavians flying for foreign airlines. Flying aircraft twice the size of any SAS plane, earning 4 times as much money as any SAS pilot, paying 0 tax while enjoying free medical, school, housing, and so on. They all live in a climate with a constant temperature of 27 degrees, and it rains only during nighttime. Amazingly, time to command was only 6 months, and monthly block hours never exceed 30. Their employers love scandinavians, and supply them with free alcohol and sigarettes.

I salute you gentlemen, you have truly found paradise. I know you all passed SAS' tests with flying colors, but couldn't be bothered to join. Funny then, how it seems you cannot let go of SAS.

Life in Scandinavia is hell. I beg you, please, do not add any more rocks to my burden, as I am (now) totally aware how much my life stinks.

Thank you!

4th Apr 2001, 23:39
Scando - PLEASE tell me what airline you are refering to here....I'd br the first guy to call them..

5th Apr 2001, 14:45
Why, you never heard of Imaginary Airlines Inc? Based in LalaLand? I've never seen any ads in FI though, but i know they are out there somewhere. All these pilots can't be wrong. ;)

5th Apr 2001, 18:41
Don´t worry too much about upstairs driver, he´s just another pompous english git, proving nothing more than the old saying.....
It´s NOT broken,.... It´s British.

But to keep this forum serious, Upstairs you said be realistic, and then contiue with 3 stupid and ill thought through arguments,
1.+70 CA´s , I won´t even dignify that with an answer
2.Repaint the aircraft, What has that to do with the company ?
3.Buy RJ´s (Like everyone else ???), Why spend MORE on LESS.

I am sure that SAS can improve in many ways, but would leave it to the actual empoyees of SAS to comment on what. I myself havn´t
worked for SAS for 9 years, but why dosn´t a current employee start a topic on that issue, who knows, it might just get things started, anyway what have you got to loose.

[This message has been edited by DoctorA300 (edited 05 April 2001).]

6th Apr 2001, 16:59

SAS er sikkert et meget godt selskap å jobbe i, og Scandinavia gode land å bo i, men det er faktisk noen flygere ute i verden som ikke har strøket på SAS prøvene, eller prøvd å søke jobb i SAS.

Kan bare snakke for meg selv, men jeg har fløyet dobbelt så store fly som SAS har, bor på stranda, jobbet skattefritt osv... :)

Kjenner mange SAS flyger som er meget fornøyd med jobben sin. (Kjenner også en som sluttet i SAS og begynte hos major i USA. Han har aldri angret)

Nå som lønningene i USA er langt bedre enn før (Slutt på B-scale) og det er en viss mangel på erfarne flygere, er det visst fristende å søke seg over: Jeg hører stadig om flygere fra Braathens og til en mindre grad fra SAS som er på vei over.
(Eller tenker på det.)

Gode tider ja, så lenge økonomien holder seg eller går oppover igjen.

SAS er sikker kremjobben i Scandinavia, og det er muligens noe bitterhet fra de som ikke fikk jobb der, MEN det er mange av oss som etablerte oss i USA eller andre land etter flyskolen og ikke lengtet hjem til snøen eller skattene, uansett hvor fint det er ombord hos SAS.

UpstairsDriver: Er det du M.A?..... :)


PS. Fint vær i Florida for tiden, sol, blå himmel og palmesus. Også gode nyheter i posten igår: Får igjen $5024.00 på skatten.

Men, this is no drill...

7th Apr 2001, 01:58
Tower Dog,

Jeg betviler ikke det du sier, men kan bare ikke skjønne enkeltes behov for å slenge dritt om SAS. Det må da være motivert av en eller annen slags "get even" følelse? Hvis man har det så bra der ute, hvorfor må man til stadighet poengtere dette for alle andre? Det virker av og til som om noen prøver å overbevise seg selv, så vel som oss "idioter" her hjemme.
Jeg har selv jobbet ute. Jeg har snakket med piloter som har jobbet i andre selskap. Det er ikke gull alt som glitrer. Men av og til er det nettopp det. Vær i det minste voksne nok til å unngå å mobbe oss som blir i Scandinavia.
SAS er et godt selskap å jobbe for, enkelt og greit. Det finnes sikkert bedre, men jeg VET at det finnes mye verre.

Og jo, jeg er klar over at tråden ble startet 1 april.



dick badcock
7th Apr 2001, 17:26
Tower Dog,

Jobber du for en US Major? Hvis tilfelle, send meg en email paa
[email protected]

Vurderer ogsaa aa komme til statene for arbeid.

7th Apr 2001, 18:18

Jo, du har nok rett i at mange har en slags
"get even" følelse med SAS.
Selv har jeg ungått å slenge dritt om andre, enten det er folk eller selskaper.
(Lærte for mange år siden at det er lett å få driten slengt tilbake i trynet... :))

Det er nok ingen flyger jobber som er bare gull med lite flyging, mye fri og store penger. Det er bestandig en bakdel.
(Prøv å bo i Midt-Østen, Saudi, ikke Dubai, der hjelper det ikke hvor skattefrie pengene er, meget utrivelig plass)

Hva er foresten skatteprosenten på en flygerlønning i Norge i dag?
(Jeg kjørte drosje i Trondhjem på slutten av 70 årene og betalte 41% inntektsskatt, ungkar ingen gjeld)

Dick Badcock: Ja jeg jobber for US major.
Bare send meg e-mail på

[email protected]

Skal svare på alle spørsmål, skjønt det er ikke mye å si: Skal du søke og regne med å få interju, ha gjerne over 6-7000 timer. FAA ATP, grønnkort, PLETTFRI vandel med hensyn til trafikkbøter og ingen personlige konkurser bak deg.
Bakgrunnssjekking er meget grundig og har du strøket på en flyprøve eller sparket fra en jobb bør du helst snakke godt for deg.

United sluttet å ansette. American ansetter enda endel folk, men det blir rot med TWA flygerne som får number på lista og alle nyansatte kommer bak de igjen.
Vet ikke mye om Delta og Northwest, men tror det er noe ansettelser på gang der.
Mange Nordmenn og Svensker i UPS, de ansetter

Men, this is no drill...

9th Apr 2001, 05:05
I guess I touched on a sensitive subject, Im away for a few days and now over 10 replies!

MD90Jockey - a few comments on your answers;

first of all, give my deepest apologies to the 62 year old (!) CA's that I had mistaken for being 70...
"most RJ's are limited to 15kts x-wind" - name one!
in your profile it says "Location: CPH" - last time I checked that was in Scandinavia!

and also: how do you justify your own bashing of Ryanair? (in another post)

Scando - you dont have to thank me, if I can make you aware of how much your life stinks - the pleasure is all mine! :) (I did however enjoy your reply)

DoctorA300 - "a pompous english git" - thanks, I take that as a compliment on my english. You also seem to be a bit lost in more ways than one - this is the Professional PILOTS Rumour Network (being an engineer). However, I do agree with you: why dont the SAS employees figure out how the company could improve!

The day I hear a SK pilot say something bad about his own company I will rest my case!

TowerDog - nice to get someone in here with some perspective on life! (jag är inte M.A...tror jag inte iaf)

So why do I write this? Well, I met this SK skipper and I must say that he was one of the most arrogant "fellow" pilots I have ever met!
So is it fair to assume that all SK pilots are like this? No, of course not! (although MD90jockey is trying to prove this wrong) But it was the first of april, and you know: working for Imaginary Airlines Inc. in LalaLand - I just didnt have anything better to do!

My sincere, best regards to all scandinavians (in a geographic meaning...) wherever you are!

9th Apr 2001, 14:12
If I´m arrogant, how would you characterise your intelligent answer to the DoctorA300 :rolleyes:

9th Apr 2001, 15:01
Dear MD90Jockstrap, I am touched by your sympathy and concern for the Dr.A300!

To answer your question though: an unintelligent reply to an even more unintelligent insult...hey he did called me english! :)

I take it you dont have anything to say about the other comments I made!?

9th Apr 2001, 15:17
Nope, not really !

11th Apr 2001, 17:49
¨The day I hear a SK pilot say something bad about his own company I will rest my case!¨¨

In the cockpit or crewroom, nonstop. In public, never. Gotta keep up appearances, you know. (kind of a national rather than a company trait, though, me thinks).

11th Apr 2001, 23:01
md90jocky wrote:we have recruited most of the young CA´s outthere on the market (try asking DM !!!)
AND ?????????? we are very greatfull that you get some of the, shal we say, tested cabin attendants. That is goieng to put us in a position with new young girls all the time :)

>Upstairs-Downstairs> yeah your English is very good but I belive my danish is a lot better than yours. Lets make one thing clear : Bashing Ryan Air is a must in scandinavia to keep this CRAB Company out. Nobody really wants to work for a low moral company like this under slavery conditions. 100 hrs a month bla bla bla Look around on pprune and find the postings from the Low life of Ryan pilots.
Anyway they have a big advance because they dont have to save money to retirement. THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT.

for thoose about to work with ryan air. We salute you :)

14th Apr 2001, 09:19
I wasn´t trying to insult the British, I was trying to insult you.
My point is that the type of narrowminded approach to SAS/RyanAir Etc Etc bashing is exactly what we don´t need, and as for your comment on me "only" being an engineer, I hope you approach your own maintenance staff with the same curtesy and profesionalism, that should work wonders for your safety record and give you a good solid reputation as a proper P&/&/()k, not that you would give a toss.
I am bit courious thugh, are you a pilot ? your profile dosn´t state ! or are just another S#¤T stirrer.
As for your explanation as to why you would write a post the why you did, do you honestly belive that it dosn´t reflect more on you than on the SAS captain that you say made the comments.
If you whish to elaborate on the subject, why not drop me a line, my mail address is in my profile, maybe we could meet the next time you are in GOT

[This message has been edited by DoctorA300 (edited 14 April 2001).]

14th Apr 2001, 23:02
Cool down guyes.....this is supposed to be an informative and intelligent forum. Go bitch to your wife and kick your dog if you need personal attacks.
I...and you...are look at pprune to be enriched with facts and rumours, not highschool infantile remarks on language skills. Take a piss and get over it.

15th Apr 2001, 03:07
Ok, everybody calm down. This was meant as a april fools day joke, not very funny I admit, but a joke. But, now you got me started so:

Thanks for making this so much more "informative and intelligent"!

"Take a piss and get over it" - Now THAT is clearly not an "infantile remark"...

who said you were ONLY an engineer, not me! I just pointed out that the name of this site is NOT PERuNe (I dont come across as arrogant do I? :))

- See you in GOT? Ehh...Dinner and a movie? Im the one with the red carnation...

- if I am a pilot well,

I work too little I get paid too much I think sunglasses look cooler the bigger they are And, I put peoples life in danger on a regular basis

Are you still not convinced?

"my danish is better than yours" - you mean you even know the numbers in danish!? halvfems, halvfjerdsindstyvende etc.

Who do you work for, Sterling or Maersk? Either one, you seem really scared of the competition from Ryanair! I agree many things can be said about the conditions at FR, but I would love to see them give SAS a run for the $ on the scandinavian markets!

Tcas climb
Yes, lets all be happy. Lets all hold hands. Halleluja, Halle-le-luja!

I thought so...

And last of all, Glad Påsk to all of you!

15th Apr 2001, 12:43
An Aprilsfools joke,.......Naaa, Never, you must be kidding. I mean, reading your posts is like masturbating with a cheese grinder, slightly amusing, but mostly painful. If you don´t work for SAS, have never applied and never will, why do you even bother.
As for your statements as why you are a pilot, I certainly wouldn´t say such things about any Pilot, I hold Pilots in the highest professional respect.
P.S. Why remain annonomous, change your profile to indicate at least your location an occoupation, or are you not willing to stand by your statements

16th Apr 2001, 00:06
OK Upstairsdriver.....you have now set as all straight, and we bow!!

Why is there no moderator in this forum?