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17th Jan 2012, 15:57

Just wondering if anyone is or has been through the assessment centre for Virgin Atlantic Cabin Crew?

Just looking for anyone going or anyone's experience of the day and what to expect.



layla devine
20th Jan 2012, 14:50
Not too sure about this. Anyone else receive an email?

Dear Layla

Firstly, Happy New Year and thanks for your recent application to us for Cabin Crew.
As we’ve had a large number of applications for this position we’ve not been able to reply to everyone as soon as we usually would. Please accept our apologies for this and bear with us. We’ll be in touch again as soon as we have screened your application.
Thanks again for your patience and your interest in Virgin Atlantic.
Kind regards,

Cabin Crew Recruitment

5th Jul 2012, 09:49
has anyone applied during the most recent recruitment? I have an AD next week in crawley - trying to find details of the process but not having much luck! I know its group tasks, memory test and 2:1 interview but cant find much more detail than that. Anyone know what the group tasks and memory test specifically involve? xx

12th Jul 2012, 15:16
Hi All,

I've recently got selected to attend an assessment day. If anyone has previously been to an VA assessment day, passed or failed, i would be grateful in hearing from you.

Kind regards

13th Jul 2012, 16:43
PPRuNe and specifically this Forum are NOT, repeat NOT Social Networks (Facebook IS an example of a social network, as are MySpace and Google Plus+).

PPRuNe is intended for use by Airline employees seeking to exchange useful information and this forum exists for Wannabes to do the same.

PPRuNe is NOT intended for the exchange of excited chatter, expressions of goodwill and hope, messages about Private Messages or any of the other rubbish that has recently been polluting these threads.

These threads are a source of valuable information to those applying for jobs: Forcing others to have to wade through pointless and idle chatter relevant to only those involved to get at the necessary information is unfair, and a selfish act by those involved and will result in immediate sanctions being taken.

5th Aug 2012, 22:13
Hi guys,
I used to be cabin crew with Virgin Atlantic but left about a year ago to train to become flight crew.

I can see that this forum isn't really giving anyone any information on the whole recruitment process so I'll try and explain what the process involves (from what I remember when I joined almost 5 years ago - a long time but its pretty much the same team now as it was then so expect similar sorts of things).

When I joined, it was while The Base (Virgin's technical HQ and training facility located in Manor Royal opposite The Office - VS's main HQ) was being modified so my interview was held at Concorde house adjacent to Gatwick South. Concorde house is where VS crew for LGW flights check-in. Its shared with Monarch, Easyjet and some Virgin Holidays staff also.

The recruitment process can sometimes take quite a while so those of you that haven't heard anything - fear not. Those of you receiving the emails apologising for the delay - think yourself lucky. Normally your just expected to wait and see.

When you receive your invite for the interview, it will be held usually within 2 or 3 weeks of getting the letter at The Base in Crawley.
For the interview, dress smartly (suits and ties for the boys, businessy jackets and skirts for the girls) I found that if you dress like cabin crew, it can give the interviewers a better idea how you would look in the role. Don't try and wear too much red - you'll clash and no doubt be the wrong shade anyway. Just dress smartly and look confident and comfortable in your outfit.

You'll be welcomed into the base and give your visitor ID and told to wait until a rep is sent to collect you. On my interview, there were around 10 of us but some interviews have had as little as 6, others as many as 14 so don't panic if there doesn't seem to be many of you there.

The interview comprises an introduction given by everyone (prepare a short, sweet and simple intro about yourself - who are you, age, where are you from, what do you currently do, why did you choose Virgin and something interesting about yourself - think Blind date! Include humour and confidence and be sure to make eye contact with everyone in the group and interviewers atleast once during your intro - it shows confidence). This will be followed by a brief written exam. This includes a written statement about a lady on a flight flying somewhere to meet her daughter (I think?) and you must give back the relevant information using memory. A small mental maths exam (nothing at all to worry about, change from a tenner etc) and then you'll be on to the next stage of the interview.

This involved splitting the group into 2 and the task (on my interview anyway) is to design a "Virgin Garden". Now Virgin like Fun. Make your ideas fun and entertaining - really push the boundaries and let them see how creative you are. Make sure to work with the other team members, communication is CRUCIAL! Don't argue, speak over the top of anyone or openly disagree with someones proposal. Use expressions like "I like this idea but how about we try it this way?" and "I understand where your coming from and I like that idea but its my opinion that it might not work because...".

Don't put anyone down, just be open, friendly and approachable. Virgin like to show a cheeky side in both advertising and personality so don't be afraid of showing off your vivacious side - nothing too wild, they will not hire you if you try and freakdance one of the interviewers...

The next stage will be a one on one interviewer (well, usually its a two on one so that more of the recruitment team can see you in action). They will ask questions about what you can bring to the role, an example of good customer service you've given in the past, an example of when somethings gone wrong. Don't be afraid to identify bad things - if you can see your faults, it means you can work on them. The company wants to see that your capable, diligent and above all - "all there in the head".
When I did it, the whole thing lasted just a morning or an afternoon but now they drag it out over 2 days. Don't panic, it not an assault course! They just want to see whether your worth the thousands of pounds in training they're going to invest in you.

My one on one interview lasted for 5 minutes, others lasted for 30 minutes and more. You might not get the email until a week later - some even more. My email and welcome pack came 3 days later and 4 years down the road I'd had the time of my life. The company is a true gemstone and the people there really do make Virgin Atlantic the company it is today.

If any of you have any questions, please message me and best of luck to you all :) x

21st Aug 2012, 16:16
Hi :)

Does anyone have any idea when Virgin Atlantic might start recruiting for cabin crew positions again?

Thank you,